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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : La Comunicación Corporativa y las Relaciones Públicas como Factor Diferenciador en el Sector de la Industria Turística del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. Caso de Estudio Solcanela Travel & Tours
Autor : Lara Rey, Ana Carolina
Tutor : González Pastrano, Edison Humberto
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2015
Citación : Lara Rey, A. C. (2015). La comunicación corporativa y las relaciones públicas como factor diferenciador en el sector de la industria turística del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito. Caso de estudio Solcanela Travel and Tours (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El pilar fundamental dentro del presente proyecto, es resaltar la importancia de implementar la comunicación estratégica dentro de la industria turística, especialmente en la empresa SolCanela Travel, con el fin de promover ventajas y oportunidades en el actual entorno...
Descripción : The fundamental pillar of this project is to highlight the importance of applying the strategic communication inside of this industry, especially in the company SolCanela Travel, in order to promote advantages and opportunities in the current environment. Therefore, based on the laswellian theory of social communication, towards the theory of corporate communications of Joan Costa (2004) have been considered five fundamental areas that compose the new 21st century paradigm: identity, culture, communication and action, study objects also integrated in the theoretical and practical part of this work. Diverse various corporate communications theorists such as: Capriotti (2009), David Caldevilla (2007), Benito Castro (2007), Villafañe (1998) and Xifra (2009); were the support for the theoretical framework production that allowed work the different categories laid down for this research and the development of its methodology, which was based on a multimodal approach with the presence of investigative techniques such as surveys, interviews and observations, addressed to the General Manager of the company, members of SolCanela Travel and external audiences like customers, suppliers, public institutions of the sector and other tourism enterprises that provided great information for the development of the work. SolCanela Travel & Tours is a tourism company focused in positioning itself in the industry environment and improve relationships and links with their target audiences, but after diagnosing her communication and image, was detected some shortcomings in terms of, management and communication their identity, building a culture of service, the loyalty of its clients, the absence of commercial communications and the limited application of public relations. For that reason it was appropriate to implement an external communication strategic plan in order to strengthen the companys image to their objective public, whose development is in the chapter IV of the project, followed by the conclusions and recommendations identified.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/2433
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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