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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Propuesta de un plan de comunicación, orientado a mejorar la cultura corporativa y crear sentido de orgullo y pertenencia de los públicos internos, hacia la empresa de Servicios Petroleros Triboilgas
Autor : Barrionuevo Barrionuevo, María Elisa
Tutor : Muñoz Pasquel, Marco Vinicio
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2012
Citación : Barrionuevo Barrionuevo, M. E. (2012). Propuesta de un plan de comunicación, orientado a mejorar la cultura corporativa y crear sentido de orgullo y pertenencia de los públicos internos, hacia la empresa de Servicios Petroleros Triboilgas (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : En este trabajo de investigación, se recopiló información importante, que ayudó al desarrollo de cada uno de los capítulos, adaptando cada tema a la situación actual de la empresa Triboilgas Cía. Ltda., organización que tiene una amplia trayectoria en la industria hidrocarburífera ecuatoriana...
Descripción : In this research, we collected important information, which helped develop each of the chapters, each topic adapted to the current situation Triboilgas company Cia. Ltd. an organization that has extensive experience in the oil industry in Ecuador. Starting with the first chapter, we talk about the company constitution, home, business activity and rotation. Triboilgas Cia. Ltd. is a 100 percent Ecuadorian, who is a familiar concept, but there is the incorporation of young and innovative staff to support the various departments. A managed change and go to the forefront of what is required by business needs today. Increasing the Quality Management System ISO 9001-2008, complying with the requirements of hydrocarbon activities in the country. In the second chapter deals with the organizational culture that manages Triboilgas Ltda and ways of dissemination to middle managers that there is a better understanding headquarters level, there is a communication management mostly middle-level and through them is filtered field employees, but this creates an informal communication that exists and generate rumors. To delete and report properly, the company uses the existing communication channels and formal. Entering the third chapter defines the problem Triboilgas, which starts from a bad communication process, the misuse of the few communication tools in business which leads to a poor working environment, for which pose potential communication strategies adaptable to the realities and needs of the company. Additionally, an analysis of each department and thus have a view from each area. In the fourth chapter provides a communication audit to meet directly with real data and the communication problem that exists in the company and to provide solutions applicable to it. Finally in the fifth chapter presents a proposal for a communication plan to apply the same Triboilgas upon cceptance of the Executives.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/5870
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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