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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Lactoinducción por medio de hormonas, en vacas Holstein con problemas reproductivos en la hacienda Los Arrayanes ubicada en el cantón Montúfar provincia del Carchi
Autor : Morales Males, Kevin Armando
Tutor : Cárdenas Aguilera, Cristian Fernando
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018
Citación : Morales Males, K. A. (2018). Lactoinducción por medio de hormonas, en vacas Holstein con problemas reproductivos en la hacienda Los Arrayanes ubicada en el cantón Montúfar provincia del Carchi (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Cada vez en las ganaderías lecheras el número de animales descartados por causas reproductivas se incrementa, este estudio se realizó en la hacienda “Los Arrayanes” ubicada en la provincia del Carchi, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el protocolo de lactoinducción en vacas Holstein para determinar si es viable en los parámetros productivos, reproductivos y financieros. La población de la unidad productiva contaba con un total de 202 animales bovinos de los cuales se escogió una muestra de 5 hembras con problemas reproductivos, que el productor ya las destinó para descarte...
Descripción : The number of animals discarded in dairy farms are increasing, mainly by reproductive causes, the study was conducted at "Los Arrayanes" farm in the province of Carchi, where the objective was to evaluate if lactoinduction process in Holstein cows is viable to improve productive, reproductive and financial parameters. The bovine production had 202 animals, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied in those bovines to obtain a sample of 5 female Holstein cattle with reproductive problems, which farmer was going to discard, that group was remained in the same environmental and nutritional conditions as the rest of the herd, where cows were milked twice a day and gynecological checks were made each 30 days. The animals of this study were kept in daily evaluation of their milk production. The information gathering about the increase milk cow production were analyzed weekly through an ANOVA test, where pvalue at 70 days was .00 in lactation period of each animal, in a different measure between weeks, which made possible to run a Turkey test, making four groups, because of the differ in their means with regard of milk kilograms per day and 1065.14 kg altogether in the group of animals after 70 days, as to reproductive parameters, thus, there was a probability of losing around 0,34 cents per each dollar invested in this study.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/9889
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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