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Tipo de material : masterThesis
Título : Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de calidad de los servicios de atención Médica de la Clínica Veterinaria los Sauces Quito.
Autor : Pacheco Barreno, Gabriela Alexandra
Tutor : Larrea Cabrera, Susana Janneth
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Pacheco Barreno, Gabriela Alexandra (2017). Propuesta de mejora en la gestión de calidad de los servicios de atención Médica de la Clínica Veterinaria los Sauces Quito. Facultad de Posgrados. UDLA. Quito. 52 p.
Resumen : El propósito de esta investigación está dirigido a crear un plan de mejora en la Gestión de Atención Médica de la Clínica Veterinaria los Sauces...
Descripción : The purpose of this research is directed to create an improvement plan in the Management of Medical Care of the Veterinary Clinic the Sauces. During the time of development of this research, the problems identified are affecting the internal management process of the clinic, such as: Deficit of medical attention to patients, inadequate control of the stock of medicines, disorganization of medical staff for care Patients and clients. A theoretical methodology was developed, through the evaluation through tree of problems, FODA analysis, satisfaction surveys and map of processes and sub processes that will help us to investigate the problems in the area of clinical management and patient care. The results obtained from surveys of satisfaction surveys, lack of improvement in facilities (parking), and poor medical services; there is no marketing to expand the client portfolio. We conclude developing maps of processes and sub processes in the different medical areas of the clinic implement a new computer system for better systematization of medical records, control of drug stock and try to improve customer service.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/8049
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Administración de Instituciones de Salud

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