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dc.contributor.advisorMosquera Quelal, María Elizabeth-
dc.creatorGarcía Ortega, Raquel Alejandra-
dc.creatorIdrovo Guzmán, María Elisa-
dc.identifier.citationGarcía Ortega, R. A.; Idrovo Guzmán, M. E. (2010). Desarrollo del proceso de producción de una bebida instantánea en polvo a base de harina precocida de amaranto, quinua, maíz y plátano para niño en etapa escolar en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionAmaranth is an Andean pseudo-cereal used as leafy vegetables, seeds, forage and ornament. Amaranth grain has protein that is high in lysine, which is usually lacking in cereals. Protein of amaranth is close to ideal, therefore is an excellent solution for malnutrition or a great alternative to feed the children while they are growing up. Amaranth is a prospective plant that has disappeared with the years, that is the reason why this project was established to try to recover it by obtaining an instant beverage from mixing amaranth seed flour (Amaranthus Caudatus), with quinoa flour, banana flour and corn flour; which has a minimum of 10.42 percent of protein and 367,15 Kcal. Three formulations were established having between 35 percent and 40 percent of amaranth seed content. It was found that the formulation with greater acceptance was 2, containing 40 percent of amaranth flour, 25 percent of quinoa flour, 20 percent of banana flour and 15 percent of corn flour. For the elaboration of the amaranth flour, a handcrafted method was used by popping the amaranth seeds in a pan, but using an industrialized amaranth popper is recommended, which works property with high heat and air. The product was then evaluated with 400 children from 4 to 10 years old, from different schools of Quito, and the survey of acceptability was made to their parents. It is concluded that amaranth seeds are a good nutritional alternative for the elaboration of a highly protein instant beverage. Nevertheless due to little knowledge that the people have of this pseudo cereal in the country, is important to make a good marketing campaign in order to create a conscience in people so they can realize the nutritional importance that this grain has and they could include Amaranthis, instant powder beverage, in the daily diet of their children.en
dc.description.abstractEl amaranto es un pseudo cereal andino usado a manera de verdura, semilla, forraje y ornamento. El grano de amaranto tiene proteína alta en lisina, aminoácido que por lo general está carente en los cereales…es_ES
dc.format.extent214 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2010es_ES
dc.subjectMATERIA PRIMAes_ES
dc.titleDesarrollo del proceso de producción de una bebida instantánea en polvo a base de harina precocida de amaranto, quinua, maíz y plátano para niño en etapa escolar en la ciudad de Quitoes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Agroindustrial y de Alimentos

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