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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : La prueba del uso de nombre comercial
Autor : Pijal Terán, Pamela Berenice
Tutor : Rojas Salazar, Leonidas Eduardo
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Pijal Terán, P. B. (2016). La prueba del uso de nombre comercial. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El nombre comercial es una de las figuras más controversiales en materia de Propiedad Industrial, hasta el punto que su tratamiento e interpretación tuvieron que sobrellevar una serie de cambios, para constituirse en la figura sólida e independiente de los demás signos distintivos existentes en el tráfico económico y transcendental para el actual mundo empresarial...
Descripción : The trade name is one of the most controversial elements of Industrial Property. Many changes regarding its processing and interpretation had to occur in order for it to become a strong and independent sign set apart from other distinctive signs, in the current business world. Its belated evolution and recognition, is due to the fact that the trade name has lacked conceptual development by legislature worldwide, and even by doctrine. Consequently, the diverse legal interpretations of trade name have affected the correct way, in which, the sign should be used and protected. Failure to clearly define the trade name has caused it to often be confused with the company name. Furthermore, this lack of clarity has resulted in no uniform protection. Majority of legislations, it provides exclusionary protection for the sole of the owner use; nevertheless, in some countries require it to be registered. Although trademark legislation is applicable to trade names, in accordance with the law, there is no uncertainty in the difference between trade name and trademark, as the second only distinguishes a business or company, within the market, not its commercial activities. This thesis provides an exhaustive analysis of the trade name is conceptualization, its regulation, and, within it, the flaws and contradictions between the several legal interpretations. As well, it establishes the means of suitable and sufficient evidence, by which the owner of a company may demonstrate the continuous, real, and effective public use of the trade name in commerce. Finally, this research works to respond to security concerns held by consumers, owners of trade names and/or trademarks, and third parties in economic traffic and the legal world, due to the heavy use and commercial positioning of the distinctive sign under examination.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6443
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