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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Gestión estratégica de la comunicación corporativa como eje para vincular a los stakeholders de la organización con los objetivos empresariales caso calzado industrial Nuk
Autor : Arias Hidalgo, Katherine Liseth
Tutor : Apolo Buenaño, Diego Eduardo
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Arias Hidalgo, K. L. (2016). Gestión estratégica de la comunicación corporativa como eje para vincular a los stakeholders de la organización con los objetivos empresariales. Caso Calzado Industrial NUK (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : En el siglo XXI, las organizaciones deben considerar establecer estrategias que impulsen relaciones favorables con sus stakeholders, crear una estrategia en la cual se integren quienes participen en los procesos de una organización y contribuyen al progreso de la cadena productiva...
Descripción : In the XXI century, the development opportunity of organizations should be considered from the initiative to promote favorable relations with its stakeholders, creating a strategy which will integrate persons or groups of persons involved in the processes of an organization and contribute the production chain development Industrial Shoe Company NUK, was founded in 2010 by young Ecuadorians, who believed in the ability developed by Ecuadorian artisans to create cuttingedge products that support the growth of this production in the country. This research seeks to determine the strategic management of corporate communication like axis to improve the links between NUK Footwear Industrial Company and its stakeholders to contribute to the achievement of business objectives. The methodology is exploratory-descriptive because as initial form it seeks to establish the main stakeholders and relevant issues that impact directly on the different stages of the value chain of NUK, in order to identify appropriate communication strategies that allow improve ties and commitments to its stakeholders that contribute to the achievement of business objectives in a context of sustainability and mutual productive development. Through the study of the current situation of NUK, the definition of relevant topics and the communication needs of its priority stakeholders, a corporate communication plan to establish mechanisms of favorable dialogue to operational excellence was designed.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6277
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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