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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Producción musical del tema "Yo Perdí El Corazón/Mal Paso" de la banda "Los 5 De La Bohemia"
Autor : Pazmiño Cadena, Hugo Patricio
Tutor : Cifuentes Moreta, Juan Fernando
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2013
Citación : Pazmiño Cadena, H. P. (2013). Producción musical del tema "Yo Perdí El Corazón/Mal Paso" de la banda "Los 5 De La Bohemia" (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El objetivo principal de la presente Tesis fue la producción musical de la canción “Yo Perdí el Corazón /Mal Paso” de la Banda “Los 5 de La Bohemia”; producción requisito para la obtención del Título de Técnico Superior en Grabación y Producción Musical...
Descripción : The main objective of the thesis in course was the musical production of the song “Yo Perdí el Corazon/Mal Paso” of the band “Los 5 de La Bohemia”; production required to the obtaining of the degree “major technician in recording and musical production.” In the musical production (recording, edition, mixing and master it), it applied knowledge and techniques related with the management of the recording equipment and resounding reproduction, microphone techniques, using of the software needed to edit audio shots, phrases correction, choose of the best takes, quantize, and more. Also to make a correct and equal mix of the recorded tracks, handle and good use of levels and curves of the volume to a clear perception of all of the instruments and voices, just as its showing off, panoramic assignments to generate special perception of the natural position of the instruments at the stage, the apply of the equalization, compression and other different effects in order to get a wanted audio. Finally, the theme got into a master theme with the purpose of get the mix quality grows and to stand out the audio in some frequency range, which could made it with filters applications, equalization and incorporation of other effects such as reverberation...
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/3825
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología Superior en Grabación y Producción Musical

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