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Tipo de material : masterThesis
Título : Plan estratégico de comunicación interna para la empresa Cartering Service del grupo Hanaska
Autor : Pinto Ayala, Paula María
Montenegro Galárraga, Pablo Mauricio
Tutor : Villamarín Carrascal, José Julio
Fecha de publicación : 2012
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2012
Citación : Pinto Ayala, P. M.; Montenegro Galárraga, P. M. (2012). Plan estratégico de comunicación interna para la empresa a catering service del Grupo Hanaska (Tesis de maestría). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : La tesis consiste en elaborar un Plan Estratégico de Comunicación Interna de Catering Service, empresa que pertenece al Grupo Hanaska, que surgió en 1972 y actualmente posee seis líneas de negocio...
Descripción : The thesis presents an Strategic Internal Communications Plan for Catering Service, a company that belongs to Grupo Hanaska, emerged in 1972 and currently working with six business lines. Catering Service is the largest company of the consortium and, without a doubt, the most important because it represents 80 porcent of the efforts that Grupo Hanaska invests. On the other hand, it employs the largest number of collaborators; over 1.500 employees are part of this company. Even though the administrative offices are in Quito, the operational staff is located in different points such as schools, oil companies, hospitals and others. This company, leader in catering services, finds a drawback in the distances between service points to manage communications strategies; therefore, there is a lack of information, identity, image and corporate culture. The good intentions of the Organizational Human Development (DHO) to keep its employees well informed reveal that a proper communications management would promote a solution and obtain additional benefits. For Catering Service, it is essential that the employees feel that the company is theirs so that they will develop skills in an enabling environment. Therefore, the Strategic Internal Communication Plan presented in this thesis, raises solutions that will enable Catering Service to obtain positive outcome.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/2095
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Dirección de Comunicación Empresarial e Institucional

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