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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Implementación de un prototipo con raspberry PI para el reconocimiento de color y peso marcado en los cilindros de GLP para una empresa envasadora
Autor : Albuja Rivilla, Renato Wladimir
Tutor : Carrión Betancourt, Carlos Enrique
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2020
Citación : Albuja Rivilla, R. W. (2020). Implementación de un prototipo con raspberry PI para el reconocimiento de color y peso marcado en los cilindros de GLP para una empresa envasadora (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : La visión artificial es un instrumento futurista que con el avance de la tecnología ha logrado imponerse en el diario vivir y facilitar diferentes actividades que se automatizan permitiendo optimizar recursos a las personas...
Descripción : Artificial vision is a futuristic instrument that, with the advancement of technology, has managed to impose itself on the daily life and facilitate different activities that are automated allowing people to optimize resources. That is why the titling project is based on the identification of the characteristics of a gas cylinder with its color and marked weight, for this an artificial vision library called open cv will be used that will allow to process the captured images and thus identify the cylinder characteristics It contains algorithms that detect, compare and analyze images captured with a camera. For the project it has been proposed to carry out the prototype with the help of a raspberry pi 3 (Raspberry Pi, s.f) and a pi camera (Picamara, s.f), this will allow to integrate the software and hardware into a mini pc that runs a Raspbian Stretch operating system (Raspian, s.f), Python will be installed as programming language and all libraries for artificial vision offered by open cv. Once the programming environment has been prepared, the program will be developed that will take captures of the gas cylinders and then automatically detect them. Finally, it is important to mention that the project will serve as a basis for large-scale sizing and can be implemented in the LPG business, complying with all security requirements. LPG packaging is a high-risk process that does not lead to failures in its devices that are inside the packaging ship, complying with anti-explosive safety standards so this prototype cannot be introduced in a real packaging environment. The project will meet the objective based on a detection simulation outside the packaging warehouse, since industrial safety and quality standards have to be approved before introducing the project into a production environment. For this, the detection zone will be created with real cylinders, the entire project development will be worked on. After obtaining the entire detection program, photos of real cylinders will be taken and color and weight detection tests will be performed.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/12106
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Redes y Telecomunicaciones

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