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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la creación de un marketplace online de ferreterías especializado en la industria de la construcción en la ciudad de Quito
Autor : Domínguez Orquera, Luis Oliverio
Tutor : Avilés Merino, Francisco Raúl
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019
Citación : Domínguez Orquera, L. O. (2019). Plan de negocios para la creación de un marketplace online de ferreterías especializado en la industria de la construcción en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Ferrotienda.com es un Catálogo online de productos ferreteros para la industria de la construcción B2B…
Descripción : Ferrotienda.com is an online catalog of hardware products for the construction industry (B2B). The objective of the project is that the hardware centers can generate profitable customers through loyalty programs, in which the builders can have best prices in the market if they buy through the platform, so intermediaries will be eliminated retail hardware stores, sellers in works among others. The sales will be assigned by geolocation and the commercial transaction between hardware stores and builders. The inventory and the delivery process are the responsibility of the ironmongers. In order to achieve, it promises to the ironmongers that the site will have 52 thousand monthly visits that will be achieved through the user experience of the platform and the creation of original content video tutorials, interviews, contests, among others Ferrotienda.com will have income through the monthly subscription model that will be paid by the store owners for a value of 80 dollars. The target market is wholesale hardware stores. The builders will save time and money, so in Ferrotienda.com they will be able to have at their disposal a great quantity of prices and suppliers reducing the time they use in the search and quotation of products. In addition, the financial results show that Ferrotienda.com is a project that is viable in the long term, since it offers services that have a positive global trend such as electronic commerce.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/10701
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Comercial

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