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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la implementación de renta compartida de estacionamientos a través de plataformas virtuales en el hipercentro de Quito
Autor : Pazmiño Cando, Daniel Alejandro
Tutor : Vizcaíno Jaramillo, Glenda Isabel
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019
Citación : Pazmiño Cando, D. A. (2019). Plan de negocios para la implementación de renta compartida de estacionamientos a través de plataformas virtuales en el hipercentro de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente plan de negocios involucra la colaboración de las personas para crear estacionamientos compartidos con el fin de formar ciudades más rápidas e inteligentes y con comunidades cada vez más interconectadas entre sí, y el afán de solucionar los problemas presentes de movilidad en la ciudad de Quito...
Descripción : This business plan involves the collaboration of people to create shared parking spaces in order to form faster and smarter cities and with increasingly interconnected communities, and the eagerness to solve the present problems of mobility in the city of Quito. The Vozík initiative allows people to share a parking lot between a homeowner and a citizen looking for a place to park near the place of work or studies. What admits to use and optimize the free spaces in the hypercenter sector of the city that are unused and put them into operation for those who need it, in exchange for benefits such as security, comfort, location and new shopping experiences. The main objective of the business plan is to determine the profitability and feasibility of implementing a virtual platform dedicated to the shared rent of parking for the hypercenter sector of the city of Quito. After analyzing interesting data regarding the global trend to share goods and services, the willingness to use and share reaches a considerable 70 percent to 73 percent acceptance (Nielsen, 2014). Which means that each time people prefer goods and services that involve less acquisition costs and ease of use in exchange for a comfortable price. In order to evaluate the present project, research tools were used to analyze the external environment, as well as the collection of information from experts and consumers in the parking sector. Followed by the formulation of the value proposal and marketing plan that is consistent with the needs and requirements of users. In addition, it was possible to establish the appropriate processes that empower members and users, use and optimize free spaces at home or work. Finally, a total investment of 117,142.61 dollar was established and the acceptance of the business with the financial study where the viability and profitability of the project is determined to a period of recovery of the total investment of 4.31 years.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/10564
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Comercial

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