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dc.contributor.advisorBravo Valencia, Humberto Napoleón-
dc.creatorNaranjo Trujillo, Hugo Daniel-
dc.identifier.citationNaranjo Trujillo, H. D. (2018). Técnica de mejoramiento del pavimento a base de concreto hidráulico en el sector La Marín en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the city of Quito, in the sector of La Marín, and two types of alternatives for the road pavement structure were analyzed, pavement based on the placement of hot asphalt binder with a thickness of 10 cm and the other alternative in rigid pavement based on the placement of hydraulic concrete slab with a thickness of 25 cm. The subject of this study consist in a technical guide of improvement based on Hydraulic Concrete and this analysis was based on two forms: bibliographical research and visits in the field as well as the investigation of materials in the laboratory of Resistance of Materials in the school of Engineering of the Central University of Ecuador and the Department of infrastructure of the Metropolitan Public Enterprise of Mobility and Public Works. In reference to the bibliographical research and practical results of the techniques used in the placement of the pavement structures placed in the city of Quito, the tehoric framework was elaborated that includes the characteristics of the place as well as the different construction stages and the different types of hydraulic The concrete pavement and the conceptual framework in which the different concepts used in this study are described. For the best understanding, the pictures were taking using the sofware AutoCAD, moreover photographies show the current situation of the asphalt in the sector of LA MARIN. The textual description is supported with the photographic annex, in order to complete the study was incorporated the diagnostic of the current situation that develop a guide or suggestions of improvement of the type of pavement where was estimated a budget taking in count reference prices of the Camara de la Construccion and del Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de Pichincha, that price to M2 for its installation in the la Marin area will be USD$ 124,38.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo fue realizado en la ciudad de Quito, en el sector de La Marín donde se analizaron dos tipos de alternativas de la estructura de pavimento vial, la primera corresponde al pavimento en base a la colocación de carpeta asfáltica en caliente con un espesor de 10 cm. y la segunda alternativa en pavimento rígido en base a la colocación de losa de concreto hidráulico con un espesor de 25 cm...es_ES
dc.format.extent82 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018es_ES
dc.titleTécnica de mejoramiento del pavimento a base de concreto hidráulico en el sector La Marín en la ciudad de Quitoes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología en Construcción y Domótica

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