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dc.contributor.advisorErazo Hernández, Ramiro Ernesto-
dc.creatorBaquilema Yumisaca, Alex Fernando-
dc.identifier.citationBaquilema Yumisaca, A. F. (2018). Estudios comparativos entre hormigones tradicionales vs hormigones livianos aislantes, obtenidos de la ceniza de la quema de madera y cubos de madera como agregados finos y gruesos. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe work presented below has as a general objective the elaboration of a relieved cement, obtained from conventional materials and the characteristic of thermal insulation. As specific objectives, tests have been presented such as: organic content in the aggregates, test specimens, settlement and workability, as well as monitoring in curing pools and resistance to compression. The first two chapters of the project we present a brief review of conventional and relieved concretes, as well as the concepts and definitions of them, and of each one of the components of which they are conformed, In the third chapter we focus on the methodology of all the tests to be performed. And in the latter cases, the conclusion that the results of each trial, and those concluded with the conclusion that the study has been very helpful with respect to the formulation of work in the country, were at the beginning of the project, except that the total replacement of the fine aggregate. The use of relieved concrete is presented as an alternative in our country, where it has been proven that thanks to its low weight and density, reduce the risk of building collapses, in the event of a seismic movement (very common in Ecuador). Also, the property of thermal insulation offers a new alternative if we take into account the variability of the climate in our country, and that is a problem for buildings that do not have a thermal insulation that protects the user of the house, the variations of the outside temperature.en
dc.description.abstractEl trabajo que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo general la elaboración de un hormigón alivianado, obtenido de materiales no convencionales: ceniza y cubos de madera como agregados y que además cuenten con la característica de aislante térmico. Como objetivos específicos se propone realizar ensayos como: contenido orgánico en los agregados, especímenes probeta, asentamiento y trabajabilidad, así como monitoreo en piscinas de curado y resistencia a la compresión...es_ES
dc.format.extent97 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018es_ES
dc.titleEstudios comparativos entre hormigones tradicionales vs hormigones livianos aislantes, obtenidos de la ceniza de la quema de madera y cubos de madera como agregados finos y gruesoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología en Construcción y Domótica

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