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dc.contributor.advisorWaldmüller, Johannes-
dc.creatorLarrea Ayerve, Diana Angelica-
dc.identifier.citationLarrea Ayerve, D. A. (2017). Reconstrucción de la soberanía alimentaria en el Ecuador: análisis del proceso de aprobación de Ley Orgánica de Agrobiodiversidad, Semillas y Fomento de la Agricultura Sustentable (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionFood Sovereignty emerged as an alternative to the global industrial agrarian model. The conceptualization of the term as a political and legal demand constitutes a milestone because it originated from the initiative and consensus of the of peasant movement which were being harmed by the effects of globalization. This concept encompasses multiple dimensions such as the right to food; sustainable agriculture; equitable distribution of productive resources; the conservation of collective goods such as seeds; the preservation of ancestral knowledge; and the participatory inclusion of the agricultural production sectors. Ecuador was one of the first countries in Latin America and in the world to adopt Food Sovereignty in its current Constitution, as a strategic objective of the State. In 2009, the Organic Law of the Food Sovereignty Regime (LORSA), stipulated a series of related laws to formulate the full legal extent of the Constitution provision. The context of this essay is the ongoing process of approving the Organic Law on Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture, which is likely to determine the future of a key element of Food Sovereignty, the seed. The work present carries out an nterpretative hermeneutical triangulation aiming at a qualitative analysis between the international normative frameworks, the tracing of fundamental concepts and the domestic normative. It presents in this sense of a timely analysis of the policy formulation process with regard to the previously mentioned law.en
dc.description.abstractLa Soberanía Alimentaria surge como una alternativa al modelo agrario industrial global. La conceptualización del término constituye un hito al ser elaborado a partir de la iniciativa y consenso de sectores de la agricultura campesina y tradicional, que se veían perjudicados por los efectos de la globalización...es_ES
dc.format.extent85 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleReconstrucción de la soberanía alimentaria en el Ecuador: análisis del proceso de aprobación de Ley Orgánica de Agrobiodiversidad, Semillas y Fomento de la Agricultura Sustentablees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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