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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Identificación de coliformes presentes mediante el test de índice analítico de perfil 20 E (API® 20 E), en la leche cruda de cabras que es expendida por vendedores ambulantes en el sur de la ciudad de Quito
Autor : Malaver Marval, Greomary Cristina
Tutor : Andrade Ojeda, David Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Malaver Marval, G. C. (2016). Identificación de coliformes presentes mediante el test de índice analítico de perfil 20 E (API® 20 E), en la leche cruda de cabras que es expendida por vendedores ambulantes en el sur de la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Existe una creencia popular en el sur de Quito, que denomina a la leche cruda de cabras como un producto que posee propiedades curativas cuando es ingerida...
Descripción : In southern Quito, there is a popular belief that says drinking goats raw milk has healings properties when is ingested. Dairy raw intake may represent a problem for public health, so in this investigation it is been identified coliforms by running the test API® 20 E in raw goat milk that is expended by peddlers in southern Quito. The samples were recollected in April 2016 between the 04th and the 27th, in 13 different zones from that sector. Using samples of raw milk 94 of them were obtained and analyzed, from which the 11,7% (0,117 [0,047-0,17] IC 95%) identify Enterobacteriaceae, of those Pantoea spp. and Escherichia vulneris, were microorganisms identified and isolated in bigger proportion. All bacteria’s were identified as foodborne diseases, and the only bacterial genus that had a direct relation with foodborne diseases was Escherichia spp., nevertheless the specie identified from this genus (E. vulneris), along with the others genus and species were mostly associated to produce, like opportunistic pathogens, bacteremia, urinary, respiratory and nosocomial infections in humans and animals. Buttiauxella agrestis it is mainly related as a microorganism with dairy probiotic effect; Rahnella aquatilis as an antagonist of the microorganism that produce rot in apples, and Providencia rettgeri as bacillus valued in cheese industry. On the other hand, the surveys realized to the totality of the producers showed, that most of them have 1 to 5 animals to sell the product, and these goats don’t produce more than 3 liters of milk per day. Others surveys realized to people from the zone of the sampling area showed, that 52,5% of them consumed milk from those animals, and only the 12,5% boiled it before drink it. Most of the samples were not isolated nor identified as Enterobacteriaceae, they run quick test to detect antibiotics, and it reveals the presence of tetracycline’s in the product, that represent a problem for public health because bacterian diseases in animals and humans may become difficult to heal because of the antibiotic resistance that can create those microorganisms.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/5394
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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