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dc.contributor.advisorSears, Nathan Alexander-
dc.creatorCerda Izurieta, Gina Elizabeth-
dc.identifier.citationCerda Izurieta, G. E. (2015). El mantenimiento de la estructura del Sistema Internacional como unipolar en el periodo 2001-2013, bajo el liderazgo de Estados Unidos ante el surgimiento de China como nuevo y principal contenedor (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionAfter the fall of the Berlin Wall, the international system, went from being Bipolar, to Unipolar under United States Leadership, which is the system maker because all the international institutions work under the north American principles. The USA is the only country that has preponderancy in the main four power supplies like (geo) politics, economy, military, soft power and technology. The objective of this thesis is to check whether the international system in the 2001-2013 period remains under US leadership or is in decline due to the emergence of other states like China, India, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Germany as a result of the diffusion of power. It should be mentioned that in this work power becomes the ability to create international public goods to maintain a stable international system and maintain free trade, free navigation. The methodology used to explain the differential growth between states through a quantitative manner, and determine how much each country participating in economic, military level compared to the world, which would be 100%. After quantitative analysis leaked states, those who come more than 0.50% of the wealth of world, are those that should be considered for the analysis of a possible competition with US In order to prove this case of a bipolar system per se is analyzed, as was the Cold War with the case of China and the US other states are relegated to this competition of a great world power because they require an international position, but are not willing or have the skills to take international responsibilities. But as an international leader the US spends a lot of resources to maintain international stability, but is the most influential state and gets more benefits form the intervention in the system and especially enjoys international legitimacy. USA remains the leading state thus has a concentration of symmetrical power, China still lacks to achieve status as regional hegemon, its geopolitical position hinder his rise and uncertainty are the states of the region of the true intentions of China make that align to the US. China will not be able to become an hegemonic state if this country remains as a free-rider.en
dc.description.abstractTras la caída del Muro de Berlín, el sistema internacional pasó de Bipolar a uno Unipolar bajo el liderazgo de Estados Unidos, hacedor del sistema, que lidera a las instituciones del sistema funcionan bajo principios de occidente…es_ES
dc.format.extent115 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2015es_ES
dc.titleEl mantenimiento de la estructura del Sistema Internacional como unipolar en el periodo 2001-2013, bajo el liderazgo de Estados Unidos ante el surgimiento de China como nuevo y principal contenedores_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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