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dc.contributor.advisorMoncayo Moncayo, Patricio-
dc.creatorPáez Andrango, Rubí Aracely-
dc.identifier.citationPáez Andrango, R. A. (2018). Cambio y aplicación de políticas públicas de inclusión étnica dentro del GADIP Municipio de Cayambe (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionWithin the Cayambe canton there are indigenous communities that for years have demanded to be recognized with all the guarantees and rights that this entails as citizens. Because of this, within the canton, most of the population is indigenous, the political process that is being conducted is aimed at giving a certain priority to these sectors of society at the elections period and in accordance with the interests of the politicians of the day. However, over time, these groups have become important political actors that are taking more and more strength and wield a constant struggle to obtain greater participation within the municipality and the decisions that are made in accordance with compliance of these rights through the implementation of a public policy that protects these groups from suffering abuses. Within this research we will analyze how the inclusion process develops from a participatory methodological approach, starting from the main actors to those who are indirectly involved in this problem. Within this, the participation of indigenous communities has been tested during a period of analysis determined by three mayor ships, that of Eng. Diego Bonifaz (2000-2011), Eng. William Perugachi (2011-2014) and that of the Msc. Guillermo Churuchumbi (2014-2019), mayor in which greater emphasis will be placed on being the case in which the mayor is indigenous. It is necessary to take into account that, during this period of analysis, there has been more and better participation of these sectors that for years have been marginalized, but it has not been possible to create a clear public policy that ensures the participation of the communities, in three areas fundamental as the social, political and economic in order that these sectors do not suffer abuses by the authorities or that they are only taken into account when there are electoral processes.en
dc.description.abstractDentro del cantón Cayambe existen comunidades indígenas que por años han exigido ser reconocidas con todas las garantías y derechos que como ciudadanos esto conlleva...es_ES
dc.format.extent95 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018es_ES
dc.titleCambio y aplicación de políticas públicas de inclusión étnica dentro del GADIP Municipio de Cayambees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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