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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Inclusión del mortiño a través de maridajes en la gastronomía del Ecuador
Autor : Rivadeneira Sevillano, Jorge Andrés
Tutor : González Morales, Diego Hernán
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018
Citación : Rivadeneira Sevillano, J. A. (2018). Inclusión del mortiño a través de maridajes en la gastronomía del Ecuador (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El mortiño es un pequeño fruto neutro, parecido a la uva y a la mora, que se puede conservar aún por más tiempo que las anteriores y que además se puede usar como guarnición, “ya sea para un plato frío o combinado”, con ensaladas rústicas con lechuga o con las ricas ensaladas de fruta que tiene el Ecuador...
Descripción : The mortiño is a neutral small fruit, similar to grapes and blackberries, which can be preserved for longer time, and it also can be used as a garnish for a cold dish or combined, with the rustic salads with lettuce or the rich fruit salads that Ecuador has, the mortiño is an alternative that has the advantage of being consumed directly or in healthy, nutritional and sweet cuisine. It is very nice for all the colors that help to include in a preparation; finally, the mortiño results in a very generous fruit since it helps to enhance the flavors of the ingredients we have make used. In Ecuador, the mortiño is not such known, and we have lost time not to employ it indifferents menus to achieve a best decoration and presentation in the dishes, cause we could take advantage of its wonderful pigmentation and by the way, capture innovation in lovers of traditional gastronomy, and new consumers who can meet and also appreciate new flavors. The vast majority of agricultural ecuadorian products is not well exploited: in this case, it is known that the mortiño (with its unique color and flavor) is not exploited in a correct way, despite being a definitely healthy food, this could be caused by the reason that mortiño only sprouts in Andean areas and at certain times. The lack of knowledge and creativity have not allowed this original (and scientifically named “Vacciniumfloribundum”) to become part of our cuisine, mortiño is a unique flavor that can be introduced in different types of ecuadorian menus.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/8618
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnologia en Alimentos y Bebidas

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