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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Campaña de concientización sobre el uso adecuado de papel. Caso: Familia
Autor : Félix Narváez, Amanda Elizabeth
Tutor : Villacrés Lara, María de la Paz
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Félix Narváez, A. E. (2017). Campaña de concientización sobre el uso adecuado de papel. Caso: Familia (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Para el desarrollo de esta tesina, se llevó a cabo un análisis sobre el comportamiento de las personas hacia campañas de responsabilidad social, con el fin de comprender si las mismas en realidad tienen impacto en las sociedad ecuatoriana y si han generado cambios de actitud y comportamientos relevantes...
Descripción : For the development of this thesis, an analysis about the behaviors of people towards campaigns of social responsibilities was implemented, to learn the impact in the Ecuadorian society; as well as changes in relevant attitudes and behaviors. Because of this, the main objective determined was to create a social campaign raising awareness to homes across the north of Quito about the proper use of paper. After a mixed, quantitative, qualitative and descriptive study was carried out, it was established that there is a positive welcoming from the people to being exposed against such campaigns looking for a solution; making them participate in activities that involve them in social topics and educating them in ways that successfully incorporates certain behaviors in society to support the social cause. In conclusion, the means of communication in this type of social campaign should not only be a mass message sent across conventional ways, such as the television, radio, press and public, but also, keeping the people involved in the actions proposed to accomplish the goal, but for the social cause, which at the end will be a win-win, not only for the goal, but the society as well. Besides the big changes in behaviors, it will commence the start of a recycling culture and correct usage of different resources, including paper.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6802
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Publicidad

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