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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Diseño e implementación del prototipo de un sistema de monitoreo, detección de accidentes y alerta inmediata para motociclistas
Autor : Castillo Martínez, Daniela Viviana
Bonilla Alcázar, Diego Andrés
Tutor : Carabalí Carabalí, Carmen Alicia
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Castillo Martínez, D. V.; Bonilla Alcázar, D. A. (2016). Diseño e implementación del prototipo de un sistema de monitoreo, detección de accidentes y alerta inmediata para motociclistas. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Los accidentes motociclísticos se incrementan continuamente, según la Agencia Nacional de Tránsito y estadísticas comparadas entre meses del año 2014 y 2015 tomando la media entre tres meses de cada año, se ha incrementado en un 0,065 por ciento los accidentes involucrados motocicletas INEC, 2014, por lo que se puede decir que actualmente el riesgo de un accidente tiene una alta probabilidad...
Descripción : The vehicle motorcycle accidents continually increase, according to the National Traffic Agency and comparative statistics between months of 2014 and 2015 by taking the average of three months of each year, it has increased by 0,065 percent accidents involved motorcycles (INEC, 2014) so it can be said that currently the risk of an accident has a high probability. In addition, low efficiency in the contact to an entity relief is a big disadvantage for the affected user, according to the newspaper La Hora of Ecuador, the optimum time for an ambulance to get to your destination is 10 minutes plus wait 7 minutes which delay the call for help from one person to the appropriate entity (Zambrano, J., 2013), so it is very high as a relief response time. Found the problem, this project focused on a solution to minimize the response time by sending an alert message when an accident has occurred, reducing 7 min to 1 minute distress call to a contact of the injured. The solution is a prototype that was created by placing sensors in a helmet to determine; if there is an impact and acceleration on the helmet of the motorcyclist and the pulse of the same individual; also it developed a mobile application, which allows you to manage and store user data. The mobile application communicates with sensors placed on the helmet via Bluetooth. If it gets to be an accident, the application sends an alert message to a contact default created by the user and or a central, in this message GPS location is included, so you can locate better place where the accident occurred. With this prototype a solution to the aforementioned problem is presented, which after a series of tests showed that the time of sending an alert message to the central established on a LAN is less than a minute, and is determined as satisfying the prototype settled down.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6471
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Electrónica y Redes de Información

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