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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Estudio de la biología de los insectos y evaluación del potencial polinizador para incremento de producción de cultivos de híbridos de palma aceitera (e. oleifera x e. guineensis) en el litoral ecuatoriano
Autor : Dávila Montero, Andrés Sebastián
Tutor : Meléndez Jácome, María Raquel
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016
Citación : Dávila Montero, A. S. (2016). Estudio de la biología de los insectos y evaluación del potencial polinizador para incremento de producción de cultivos de híbridos de palma aceitera (e. oleifera x e. guineensis) en el litoral ecuatoriano (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Los híbridos interespecíficos OxG obtenidos del cruzamiento de las palmas aceiteras E. oleifera y E. guineensis, se presentan como una solución a diferentes problemas productivos como tolerancia a enfermedades y rendimiento…
Descripción : Interspecific hybrids OxG obtained from the breeding of oil palms E. oleifera and E. guineensis are considered as a solution to different productive problems such as tolerance to diseases and yield performance. Interspecific hybrids, as well as E. oleifera and E. guineensis are monoecious plants possessing male and female inflorescence flowers originated in different periods. Therefore, entomophily and anemophily pollination are important for these species. However, these two kinds of pollination are not enough for achieving good fruit set levels. Therefore, assisted pollination has a fundamental role in commercial plantations, even if it represents a very high production cost. The present work investigated the incidence of exotic and native pollinators in inflorescences of oil palm crops. This work pretends to analyze the insect’s biology in pure and hybrid OxG materials in the Ecuadorian coast at Energy & Palma S.A commercial plantations. The results of this study showed that oil palm hybrids such as Unipalma and Coari x LaMé in female inflorescences have a low rate of attraction for insects with 159 and 70 insects in average respectively: in comparison with pure materials such as Papua, Taisha and ASD Guineensis that present 1374, 667 and 956 insects respectively in average. The insect species that showed to be associated with male and female inflorescences were Elaeidobius kamerunikus, Grasidius hybridus, Couturerius sp. And Mystrops sp.. Elaeidobius kamerunikus was the insect specie that presented the highest numbers of individuals in female E. guineensis inflorescences. This insect was able to carry the biggest amount of pollen too. In E. oleifera and hybrids OxG, Grasidius hybridus, Couturerius sp. and Mystrops sp. were the insects that were associated in high numbers to the male and female inflorescences. It was determined that the life cycle of these beetles, takes place in male oil palm inflorescences and the cycle is composed by egg, four larval stages, pupa, and adult phase.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/6392
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Agroindustrial y de Alimentos

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