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dc.contributor.advisorEgas Paredes, Gioconda Gabriela-
dc.creatorAndrade García, Gisell Carolina-
dc.identifier.citationAndrade García, G. C. (2014). Propuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para ceres con el fin de fomentar la cultura de responsabilidad social corporativa en las pymes de los tres primeros sectores económicos basado en un estudio de casos: proagrosan, dilipa y analítica biomédica (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe Corporative Communication Strategic Plan for CERES has as a goal to promote the culture of the RSC in the PYMES of the first three economic sectors, based on studies of three companies: PROAGROSAN, DILIPA Cía, Ltda. and Analítica Bio-Médica S.A. Within this proposal, described in a succinct manner, on the Ecuadorian Consortium for Social Responsibility, organization that directs the culture of the RSC, from which, consequently, an entire chapter is dedicated to the applicable rules of Business Management worldwide and in Ecuador, focused on the continual improvement within which is found the policy NTE-INEN ISO 26000:2011 Guide for Social Responsibility, the same which is voluntary and not certifiable, that deals with the main points of the majority of certifications that are described; likewise, the aspects related to communication are presented, external communication, its ways and means, within which the Guide of Social Responsibility Indicators CERES-ETHOS 2011 is highlighted, means that was used for the measurement of the percentage of the cultural application of RSC in the three PYMES, that formed part of the case studies. Furthermore, the Methodology of the Investigation applied is detailed, where the main objective is pointed out, the specifics, the scope, determination of the population, examples, methods, methodological focus, investigation techniques, and case studies, where the aforesaid PYMES are mentioned, of which the respective corporate philosophies are pointed out for each organization, an analysis of the results, with relation to the RSC, understood by: the general performance, evaluation in relation with the data base CERES, comparison with policy NTE-INEN ISO 26000:2011 and conclusions and recommendations for the three respective points. It fits to mention that in the case studies of the three companies, it was carried out on the basis of the Corporate Responsibility Indicators CERES-ETHOS 2011; that is to say, that in correspondence with said measurements and reports obtained, under the supervision of CERES and the ETHOS Institute, the application of the practice of RSC y the three PYMES was graded. Under this context, a Strategic Plan of Corporate Communication for CERES is proposed, oriented to promote the culture of RSC in the PYMES of the first three economic sectors.en
dc.description.abstractEl Plan Estratégico de Comunicación Corporativa para CERES tiene como finalidad fomentar la cultura de RSC en las PYMES de los tres primeros sectores económicos, basado en un estudio de casos de tres empresas: PROAGROSAN, DILIPA Cía. Ltda. y Analítica Bio Médica S. A...es_ES
dc.format.extent227 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014es_ES
dc.titlePropuesta de un plan estratégico de comunicación para ceres con el fin de fomentar la cultura de responsabilidad social corporativa en las pymes de los tres primeros sectores económicos basado en un estudio de casos: proagrosan, dilipa y analítica biomédicaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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