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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la elaboración y comercialización de chicles con la marca país
Autor : Acuña Domínguez, Verónica Daniela
Ponce Peñaloza, Stephanie Vanessa
Tutor : Durán Almeida, Patricio Rafael
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2011
Citación : Acuña Dominguez, V. D.; Ponce Peñaloza, S. V. (2011). Plan de negocios para la elaboración y comercialización de chicles con la marca país (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : NOVELTY ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., surge de la idea de diferenciación de la goma de mascar en el Ecuador con una presentación que destaque la cultura y riqueza del país. Uno de los objetivos principales es ofertar souvenirs con rasgos ecuatorianos en sabores y presentaciones; además se impulsará el slogan y logotipo de la marca país Mucho mejor si es hecho en Ecuador…
Descripción : NOVELTY ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., arises from the idea of differentiation of the chewing gum in Ecuador with a presentation that highlights the culture and richness of the country. One of the main objectives is to offer souvenirs with Ecuadorian features in flavors and presentations, also will boost the slogan and logo of the country brand ―Mucho mejor si es hecho en Ecuador‖. It has been done a wide study of the environment to ensure that the entry of a new company to the confectionery industry in Ecuador is feasible as well as the advantages to be gained with this innovative product. The market study is the anchor to recognize the acceptance the product can have and allows through the implementation of marketing strategies to the market analyzed, travelers visiting Ecuador, is planned to expand distribution to international markets. For business start-up is needed an initial capital of USD 255,000.00 which includes equipment purchase, intangible assets, office furniture and working capital. It will be covered with 60% equity (USD 152,954.00) through 4 equity partners and the remaining 40% with a bank loan obtained by Banco Pichincha C.A. The product presented can handle profit margins of 30% and offers to potential investors, in this business plan, an Internal Rate of Return of 200%.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1721
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios Internacionales

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