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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa productora y distribuidora de aceite de oliva extra virgen con esencias en la ciudad de Quito
Autor : Celi Castillo, Fabián Alejandro
Tutor : Cortez Granda, Edmundo Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014.
Citación : Celi Castillo, F. A. (2014). Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa productora y distribuidora de aceite de oliva extra virgen con esencias en la ciudad de Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : Olivares del Ecuador S.A., se posicionará como empresa pionera en la producción y elaboración de aceite de oliva extra virgen, que tendrá como valor agregado tres distintas esencias orégano, romero y ajo, el cual dará un sabor único a todas las comidas que se preparen, mientras cuida de la salud a un precio competitivo…
Descripción : Olivares del Ecuador S.A. will be positioned as a pioneer in the production and processing of an extra virgin olive oil, which will have a value added by three different scents (oregano, rosemary and garlic), which will give a unique flavor to every meal that is prepared, while it takes care of your health and it has a competitive price. It should be noted that the oils and vegetable fats processing industry shows an increasing trend as a percentage of GDP in the last 5 years (0.55% on average), in part due to increased indirect barriers (output tax on currency / regulations) for the import of products in general. Despite these barriers on imports of olive oil has maintained an average growth of 4% in the last 5 years. This is why we are planning to cater for this growing product demand, taking advantage of the economic upturn that the government is promoting that is called change of productive matrix. Initially the company plans to meet the demand for this product in the city of Quito, men and women ages from 20 to 69 who are 541 830 people. For this we will be using two in common strategies that are: the differentiation of the essence and a market penetration with low prices, since our product will be below the price of 1 liter of olive oil without essence. The market research that we have done it informs us that 61% of respondents that consume olive oil and of those 61% a 91% would buy olive oil with essence, and of our 39% of respondents who did not consume olive oil 27% of them are willing to buy olive oil essence. Our operational facilities will be located in Santa Elenas province do to the climate of the region is suitable for olive plant growth. Our headquarters will be located in the city of Quito, where we will also have a warehouse for storage and distribution of the product to our customers. We will be using two different distribution channels. The first will be through a supermarket which caters to our segment and has coverage the biggest coverage in Quito, the second will be given to a reseller of consumer products with which will be able to reach the places where the first channel does not attends. By this means of distribution we will have our product being sold at the different social-economic stratification of the city. We have develop a financial plan in which it was determined that requires 2296,043.76 million dollars as an initial investment, 45% will be funded by credit and the 55% by private investors. We also have different financial scenarios which should be mentioned that in the expected scenario we will have an IRR of 24% and a positive NPV of 1,736,950.82.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1457
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios Internacionales

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