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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Desarrollo de un interfaz de monitoreo de procesos productivos en módulos de manufactura flexible.
Autor : Castro Intriago, Cristhian Alexis
Tutor : Flor Unda, Omar Cristóbal
Fecha de publicación : 2017
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017
Citación : Castro Intriago, C. A. (2017). Desarrollo de un interfaz de monitoreo de procesos productivos en módulos de manufactura flexible (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente trabajo de titulación consiste en el desarrollo e implementación de una interfaz de monitoreo de procesos productivos entre los módulos de manufactura flexible FESTO instalados en el laboratorio de la carrera de Ingeniería en Producción Industrial de la UDLA y el computador, con la finalidad de evaluar el comportamiento del sistema y su evolución ante cambios. Las variables que se visualizaran en la interfaz de monitoreo se tomaron en base a la información de algunos parámetros de desempeño, con la finalidad de determinar el comportamiento de los módulos de manufactura...
Descripción : This degree work consists of the development and the implementation of a monitoring interface of productive processes, between the FESTO flexible manufacturing modules installed in the laboratory of the Engineering of Industrial Production at UDLA and the computer, to evaluate the behavior of the system and its evolution before changes. The variables that are visualized in the monitoring interface were taken based on the information of some performance parameters, to determine the behavior of the manufacturing modules. For the development of the interface, the S7-1200 PLC connected to the modules is programmed based on the requirements of the study variables in the software TIA PORTAL v13 demo version, whose function in receiving and sending signals, communicating through the Ethernet port the data of the variables to the OPC KepServer v5 and this later to the interface of monitoring, where they are visualized. The interface was developed in Microsoft Excel, which has a friendly design and easy to use for students, integration of the screens for the visualization of the monitoring of the variables that are: Time of Operation and Quality Control, where the parameters are visualized of performance of the system according to the variables obtained. Finally, the tests of system functionality were carried out to verify the correct functioning of the equipment and the software used. In addition, the behavior of the parts was observed to show the results of the implementation of the monitoring interface.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/7898
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Producción Industrial

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