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dc.contributor.advisorTorres Chamorro, Mario Rafael-
dc.creatorReyes Cevallos, Katerine Valeria-
dc.identifier.citationReyes Cevallos, K. V. (2014). Rol del estado ecuatoriano en defensa de los derechos de los migrantes: caso de demanda a la Corte de Estrasburgo por ley hipotecaria española. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present research work is based on the demand of Defensoría del Pueblo of Ecuador against Spain to the European Court of Human Rights set on January 21, 2013. The demand raised and supports the defense of the Ecuadorian immigrant Mr. Luis Ariolfo Solórzano Verdugo, in accordance with the Republic of Ecuador’s Constitution that is based on the article 215 and it contemplates the defense of Ecuadorian people who lives out of Ecuador. The objective is to establish a precedent that permit to bring protective conditions Ecuadorian immigrants that have faced eviction because of the financial crisis that Spain State is undergoing. It is important make a deep analysis about the defense of immigrants and the demand to Estrasburgo Court in order to understand the present and dramatic situations because of lack the effectives mechanisms to defense in front of the Ley de Enjuciamiento Civil Española that include the procedure foreclosed. This work provides the comparative legislation between Spain and Ecuador in the field of mortgage laws. Also we can show the existence of unfair terms and adhesion contracts in the mortgage loans that they have already allowed the violation of the fundamental human rights and the abusive contracts to put total helplessness to delinquent. The jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights, permits to support the demand, as well as the status of admissibility complaint filed by Ecuador so the purpose of this work is to became aware of the importance of the defense the human rights and to discuss how the lawsuit may amend the Code of Civil Procedure, since currently it does not an effective process to the consumer protection like we can see in the case C415-11 of Mr. Mohamed Aziz against Caixad´Estalvis de Catalunya (Catalunyacaixa), after his eviction. The main importance is to propose projects, mechanisms, international agreements with an emphasis on an effective protection in terms of the human rights and know the power of Ecuador to impose a demand with respect to Ecuadorian immigrants Luis Solórzano who has suffered violation of his fundamental rights since that he signed his contract, so he unable to pay the mortgage loan were stripped of their housing and subject to an un payable debt.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de investigación trata de la demanda planteada el 21 de enero del 2013 por la Defensoría del Pueblo contra el Reino de España, en defensa del ecuatoriano Luis Ariolfo Solórzano Verdugo, por un procedimiento de ejecución hipotecaria por el cual el demandante podría perder su vivienda. La demanda se la hace basada en el artículo 215 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador que contempla la defensa de los derechos de los ecuatorianos en el exterior, con el objetivo de fijar un precedente que permita favorecer las condiciones de defensa de los migrantes ecuatorianos afectados por la crisis financiera del Estado español y consecuentemente los desahucios producidos, al n o poder pagar los préstamos hipotecarios. Para comprender la situación real y dramática que atraviesa la población ecuatoriana en España se hace un exhaustivo análisis de cómo el Estado ecuatoriano interviene en la defensa de los migrantes y reclama ante la Corte de Estrasburgo la falta de mecanismos efectivos de defensa en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil Española la cual determina el procediendo de ejecución hipotecaria...es_ES
dc.format.extent276 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014es_ES
dc.titleRol del estado ecuatoriano en defensa de los derechos de los migrantes: caso de demanda a la Corte de Estrasburgo por ley hipotecaria españolaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Derecho

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