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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorLópez Ulloa, Ruth Magdalena-
dc.creatorMuñoz Alcívar, Carla Sofía-
dc.identifier.citationMuñoz Alcívar, C. S. (2016). Determinación del efecto del tipo de cobertura vegetal en la capacidad de retención de agua del páramo de Pulinguí San-Pablo, Chimborazo-Ecuador (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research studies the impact of different types of vegetation covers in soil water retention in Pulinguí-San Pablo paramo that is located at 3730-4104 m in Chimborazo province, Ecuador. This has been done by selecting seven types of vegetation: intervened pajonal, intervened almohadilla, shrubby pajonal, high pajonal and fallow (natural vegetation in paramo); potato crop and pasture (anthropic vegetation in paramo). There were three repetitions of each type of vegetation covers. Plots of 100m2, were made for each repetition, in which composite soil samples were collected at two depths (0-25 and 25-50 cm). Physical and chemical properties of soil like: pH, organic matter (OM), texture, bulk density, particle density and humidity at field capacity (FC) were analyzed in these soil samples. The last property was used as indicator of soil water retention. The results indicated that the intervened almohadilla has the highest field capacity and high percentage of organic matter between natural vegetation. On the other hand, although the potato crop and pasture do not have high percentage of organic matter, they present similar values of field capacity. This is possible because these three types of vegetation are located on slopes less than 4 percent. Therefore it can be concluded that, the important factors to determine the soil water retention in paramo are: slope and location in the landscape. The linear regression method demonstrated the properties of soil that most influence in field capacity are percentage of sand and bulk density In conclusion high values of sand and bulk density decrease the field capacity, which explain the 44 percent of FC variabilityen
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación estudia el impacto del tipo de cobertura vegetal en la capacidad de retención del agua, en el páramo de Pulinguí-San Pablo de la provincia de Chimborazo-Ecuador, ubicado a 3730-4104 m...es_ES
dc.format.extent116 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016es_ES
dc.titleDeterminación del efecto del tipo de cobertura vegetal en la capacidad de retención de agua del páramo de Pulinguí San-Pablo, Chimborazo-Ecuadores_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Ambiental en Prevención y Remediación

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