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dc.contributor.advisorEspinel Rodas, María Belén-
dc.creatorRugel Morocho, Peter Santiago-
dc.identifier.citationRugel Morocho, P. S. (2019). Influencia de la elección de un político outsider en la pérdida de representación de los partidos tradicionales: caso Rafael Correa (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research aims to analyze one of the political phenomena that have the greatest political relevance in the Latin American context, the rise of outsider politicians, also known as anti-systems. The figure to be investigated is that of Rafael Correa and the construction of his (anti-systemic) image during the elections of 2006; thus, the main antecedent that must be considered within this political figure is the situation with which they ascend to power. According to Carlos Meléndez, the majority of outsiders are considered a response to the inability of traditional politicians (insider) to solve the needs of the population. It is also necessary to clarify that, although the specialized literature considers that these anti-political actors are characterized by presenting themselves with a new party organization, there are references that traditional parties use new actors with a certain type of social capital to reach the power. It should be taken into account that Rafael Correa's rise to the presidency of Ecuador was not only due to inherent factors related to his image, but also to the complicated economic, political and social situation that the country was going through. With respect to the political scenario, this was characterized by its instability caused by the loss of institutionality of the presidential mandate, in a decade the country had had six presidents, three of whom had not fulfilled their mandate, in the economic field, dollarization and the bank holiday had undermined the morale of the citizens. Finally, there is the campaign itself which built the image of Rafael Correa as a defender of the poor classes, as well as an option for the voter who did not feel identified with the proposals of the traditional parties.en
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar uno de los fenómenos políticos que mayor relevancia política tiene dentro del contexto latinoamericano, el ascenso de los políticos outsider, también conocidos como antisistema...es_ES
dc.format.extent47 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019es_ES
dc.titleInfluencia de la elección de un político outsider en la pérdida de representación de los partidos tradicionales: caso Rafael Correaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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