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dc.contributor.advisorFreire Castañeda, María Augusta-
dc.creatorJarrÍn Gordillo, Katherine Mishell-
dc.identifier.citationJarrín Gordillo, K. M. (2018). Evaluación de la intensidad de los signos y síntomas naso sinusales después del lavado nasal en pacientes menores de 5 años diagnosticados con neumonía que presentan síndrome de congestión nasal (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the intensity of signs and symptoms of nasal congestion syndrome on the quality of life of pediatric patients with pneumonia admitted to the General Clinic service of the Baca Ortiz Pediatric Hospital in the second quarter of 2018. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A group of 20 patients (10 women and 10 men) with pneumonia and nasal congestion syndrome; in ages between 5 months and 4 years who underwent the nasal lavage technique, said treatment was applied three times. The variables of measurement were: the intensity of signs and symptoms, the change in vital signs, respiratory mechanics, and assessment of secretion and the impact of the nasal congestion syndrome on quality (evaluated by SNOT-20). The data were taken only once before the application of the technique for the first time and at the end of the third session. RESULTS: After finalizing the protocol of 3 sessions of nasal lavage, each patient was reevaluated with the same methodology. Significant differences were found in the variables: vital signs: where the oxygen saturation increased (p equal to 0.001), the respiratory frequency decreased (p equal to 0.002) being these significant, while the heart rate was conserved in the same values (p equal to 0.677) being non-significant. Respiratory mechanics changed in the three parameters evaluated, the breathing rate changed from buccal to nasal (p equal to 0.004), the thoracic expansion from decreased to conserved (p equal to 0.007), the respiratory pattern from thoracic to upper abdominal or cost- diaphragmatic (p equal to 0.02), all being statistically significant. Regarding the evaluation of the secretion, the change in coloration from greenish or yellowish to hyaline (p equal to 0.003) and consistency of the thick to liquid mucus (p equal to 0.001) was found significant. Finally, the symptomatology decreased, thus increasing the quality of life (p equal to 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The quality of life in children under 5 years of age with pneumonia and nasal congestion syndrome improves after the application of the nasal lavage technique since it reduces the intensity of the symptomatology evaluated by the sub-scales of SNOT-20 and the total of the In addition, the technique significantly changes the vital signs, the respiratory mechanics and the characteristics of the secretion after treatment, therefore at the beginning the quality of life of the children is severely diminished and in the end the quality of life increases.en
dc.description.abstractOBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto de la intensidad de los signos y síntomas del síndrome de congestión nasal en la calidad de vida de los pacientes pediátricos con neumonía, ingresados en el servicio de Clínica General del Hospital Pediátrico Baca Ortiz en el segundo trimestre del 2018...es_ES
dc.format.extent71 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018es_ES
dc.titleEvaluación de la intensidad de los signos y síntomas naso sinusales después del lavado nasal en pacientes menores de 5 años diagnosticados con neumonía que presentan síndrome de congestión nasales_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Fisioterapia

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