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dc.contributor.advisorMonteverde Sevilla, María Belén-
dc.creatorPineda Rojas, Cristina Anabel-
dc.identifier.citationPineda Rojas, C. A. (2010). Propuesta de estrategias de comunicación para potenciar la gestión social del proyecto "A Ganar" de la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionFundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo - FUDELA, is a nonprofit organization, which will be explored in this thesis project. It proposes a communication plan for the foundation and the program A Ganar that is executed by this organization. The first chapter discusses the basic concepts of communication with a deep analysis of its components from the developmental process to the corporate communication part of it. The second chapter, presents everything concerning nonprofit organizations: their history, the NGO's role in Ecuador, their structure, their intervention in different sectors, funding, and finally see how the communication is handled inside these organizations. Throughout the third chapter, FUDELA is studied in detail and the program A Ganar which is the object of this project. Financing resources of this organization, different audiences, and the phases of the program, among other things are also discussed. Based on what was previously raised, in the fourth chapter a research project is attained, which covers various techniques of research as business surveys, interviews with members of the Foundation and a focus group to the youth participants from the program A Ganar. Based on what was done in the investigation and the conclusions reached, in the fifth chapter a comunication proposal is presented to FUDELA. Finally the sixth chapter develops the conclusions and recommendations obtained throughout the thesis project submitted.en
dc.description.abstractFundación de las Américas para el Desarrollo/FUDELA, es la organización sin fines de lucro, de la cual se tratará en este proyecto de titulación, el mismo que propone un plan de comunicación para la Fundación y el programa A Ganar que es ejecutado por esta organización...es_ES
dc.format.extent195 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2010es_ES
dc.titlePropuesta de estrategias de comunicación para potenciar la gestión social del proyecto "A Ganar" de la Fundación de las Américas para el Desarrolloes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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