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dc.contributor.advisorFreile Ardiani, Fernando Luis-
dc.creatorMaldonado Guadamud, Jessika Tatiana-
dc.creatorSalas Salas, María José-
dc.identifier.citationMaldonado Guadamud, J. T.; Salas Salas, M. J. (2014). Estudio de la cadena agroproductiva de la alcachofa (cynara colymus) y diseño de una planta para productos y subproductos (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a company devoted to the transformation, processing and marketing of artichoke, first determined general characteristics, historical and economic data relevant for the crop in our country and the world. In a complementary manner the agricultural production chain in which the main direct and indirect actors in the same well as competitive advantage, critical points and strategies to be implemented in the sector for improving the competitiveness of the same analyzes were recognized. Following this a market study in which a high level of interest was determined by the citizens of the city of Quito (97%) to the consumption of products and byproducts based on vegetable for outstanding beneficial properties in the liver function. Consequently the design and experimentation was conducted for four of the proposed products based on vegetable, which were obtained: canned, dehydrated cream, lasagna and nutraceutical capsules. The feasibility of the design and structure of a plant for the processing of the products in Latacunga - Cotopaxi was studied because it is one of the sectors with better climatic conditions and the presence of many large producers, in addition to its proximity to major cities and ports trade of the country…en
dc.description.abstractEste proyecto tiene como propósito el demostrar la factibilidad de la creación de una empresa destinada a la transformación, procesamiento y comercialización de productos en base a alcachofa, en primer lugar se determinó características generales, datos históricos y económicos relevantes con respecto al cultivo en nuestro país y el mundo...es_ES
dc.format.extent275 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2014es_ES
dc.titleEstudio de la cadena agroproductiva de la alcachofa (cynara colymus) y diseño de una planta para productos y subproductoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Agroindustrial y de Alimentos

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