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dc.contributor.advisorCalderón Larrea, María José-
dc.creatorRueda Poma, Clara Susana-
dc.identifier.citationRueda Poma, C. S. (2017). La comunicación gubernamental de Rafael Correa en su primer periodo de mandato del 2007 al 2011 (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis research understands that the political communication exerted during the first years of the campaign and the first presidency of Rafael Correa, allowed to emphasize the foundation of a discourse that would extend during ten years maintaining the indexes of popularity of the regime. In this sense, the purpose of this paper was to analyze what elements were used to consolidate the degree of acceptance of the government of Rafael Correa during its first period (2007-2011)? Thus, this analysis found that there were three central elements on the one hand, the control and use of the media by the government, the existence of agents and agents mediated by technology, and also the cultural and historical context of the country. This was achieved by building two central axes:: The first axis was to occupy the media agenda to internalize his message through the media. In order to achieve this goal, the National Assembly created the LOC (Organic Law on Communication) as a legal framework that supports this excessive use of them and, in addition, gives it legal guarantees to have a pool of media and to develop its "permanent campaign". The second axis responds to communication Correa government manages to consolidate its degree of acceptance through strategies and tactics through his speech, which sells and shares the symbolic goods citizenship as honesty, strength, protection and security. And it is solidly framed in the construction of the other "town" and the other "enemy" for which it creates specific characteristics for its recognition, identification, delegitimation and rejection.en
dc.description.abstractEsta investigación entiende que la comunicación política ejercida durante los primeros años de la campaña y la primera presidencia de Rafael Correa, permitió acentuar el cimiento de un discurso que se extendería durante diez años manteniendo los índices de popularidad del régimen...es_ES
dc.format.extent50 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017es_ES
dc.titleLa comunicación gubernamental de Rafael Correa en su primer periodo de mandato del 2007 al 2011es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

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