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dc.contributor.advisorCabascango Naranjo, María Gabriela-
dc.creatorSalazar Lozada, Ariana Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationSalazar Lozada, A. A. (2016). Estrategias comunicacionales para la participación del público interno en proyectos de responsabilidad social de la empresa Blue Comunicaciones (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe present titualation project started off from the framework of the theories of communication: presenting a model starting from the proposition design of communicational strategies, viable and applicable for the Company Blue Comunicaciones. For this, the present document was based in four main chapters: the first one presents the framework base on communication, since the approach of different definitions, its process, theories, ending up in corp communication followed of the internal communication and social responsibilities of the Company. Especially, it was developed conceptual findings about the funtionalist theory and the processes of communication using as a main references the author Berlo (1960). These concepts and theories were related in the laboral field used in corporative communication. Moreover, the second chapter presents a wide description of the company Blue Comunicaciones, the approach of the problem and its respective investigation, the same that was developed throughout de use of quantitative and qualitative methods. These methods were applied to four specific groups; managers, human resources department, matrix and shopping malls collaborators and finally the directors of the foundations El Batán (Covi) and Telefonica. In this chapter the data base obtained is analyzed along with its interpretation. Furthermore, in chapter number three the conclusions and recommendatios are mentioned, same those are intrinsically connected in the realization of the proposal of communication. Finally, in chapter number four the communicational proposal is exposed taking into account the research previously made, in which figures the following elements: general objective, specific objective, public, strategies, actions, chronograms, budget and evaluation.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto de titulación parte del análisis teórico de las teorías de comunicación, para abordar la teoría funcionalista; llegando a plantear un modelo a partir del cual se diseñó una propuesta de estrategias comunicacionales, factible y aplicable, para la empresa Blue Comunicaciones...es_ES
dc.format.extent101 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016es_ES
dc.titleEstrategias comunicacionales para la participación del público interno en proyectos de responsabilidad social de la empresa Blue Comunicacioneses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Comunicación Corporativa

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