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dc.contributor.advisorBenítez Díaz, Eva Rosario-
dc.creatorRocha Aragundy, Gema María-
dc.identifier.citationRocha Aragundy, G. M. (2016). Plan de negocios para la implementación de una hostería agroturística en Manabí (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe business plans purpose is to prove the conceptual, operative, and financial feasibility for the implementation of Mabilodge, the first first-level rural-placed agrotouristic hotel in Santa Ana, Manabi. In order to support already said feasibility, it has been done a macro and industry environment analysis, a qualitative and quantitative methodology based client analysis, a marketing, operations and financial plan. Mabilodge is the representation of a business opportunity in the market, justified by official, legal and fiscal incentives to the development of tourism in Ecuador, and specifically in Manabi, in order to promote its economic recovery after de negative effects of the earthquake in the province. What distinguishes Mabilodge from the standard lodging business is that it does not sell rooms for the vernight stay, but a comprehensive package tour within the same installations of the hotel which, besides including the service of overnight stay, includes complete meals and recreational activities, focused on the authentic manabita rural experience (the green banana tour, manabita traditional candies preparation course, horse riding). With a first- category price, but offering a whole thematic package, Mabilodge has a competitive advantage. Naturally, a competitive advantage is not eternal, that is why in the five-year time frame of this project, it has been contemplated augmenting an additional activity in the beginning of the growing-phase of the project. Mabilodge requires an initial Investment of 528,848.44 USD, financed with own capital (38.60%) and a bank loan (61.40%). This project has a NPV of 191,454.07 USD, an IRR of 20.81%, a PI of 1.36, a non-discounted payback of 6 years, and a discounted payback of 10 years; numbers that prove the projects profitability, according to realistic market-based data.en
dc.description.abstractEl plan de negocios busca probar la factibilidad para la implementación de Mabilodge, la primera hostería agroturística de primera categoría en Santa Ana, Manabí, a nivel conceptual, operativo, y financiero...es_ES
dc.format.extent42 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016es_ES
dc.titlePlan de negocios para la implementación de una hostería agroturística en Manabíes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios Internacionales

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