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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Huerta, María Esther-
dc.creatorOrellana Moya, Jessenia Alexandra-
dc.identifier.citationOrellana Moya, J. A. (2016). Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de tabletas con base en synsepalum dulcificum (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis thesis investigation is about the development of a company called Synsepalum, such company will produce and commercialize tablets named “Sot Mirakel”, and they are based off a fruit called miracle fruit. This fruit is capable of turning any acid or sour taste into sweets just by touching one’s tongue. By doing so, it can successfully replace the use of sugar and in turn lower risks related to the high consumption of it, like diabetes and obesity. It could also be used in chemotherapy patients that have had their taste bud altered by treatment, the miracle fruit tablet can bring back original flavors in foods (Wong 2015). Societies are realizing day after day how important it is to keep good eating habits, with healthy balanced diets. We cannot hide the fact that diabetes is the first cause of death in Ecuador, which makes this project in a very innovative choice to enjoy foods. We hope to attract consumers from 35 years of age and on, whom are worried about their health and physical shape, willing to change the conventional way of sweetening food. The best way to preserve the fruit’s properties is by lyophilization and market it in the shape of chewable tablets in an attractive and practical package. The fruit itself, which constitutes the main ingredient, will be delivered by a local provider stablished in the city of Santo Domingo. Distribution of the product will be made in Quito, and the company Jarygom will be in charge of all the logistic to bring the product to different points of sale. We will need an investment of $382.420,35 and it will be financed with own funds (65%) and the remaining (35%) with a credit from the CFN (National Financing Corporation). Through the study of financial analysis, we got an IRR of 41,88% and a NPV of $227.172,01 calculated with a discount rate of 21.27%. Projections made in this financial model gave us an estimate with positive values for the company, thus allowing us to follow through with the project.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de titulación consiste en el desarrollo de un proyecto para la creación de la empresa Synsepalum Cia. Ltda., encargada de la producción y comercialización de tabletas “Söt Mirakel” con base en una fruta llamada la “baya milagrosa” capaz de modificar el sabor de cualquier alimento ácido o agrio en dulce con tan solo tomar contacto con la lengua; llegando a prevenir problemas de salud como obesidad, la diabetes, además puede ser utilizada en pacientes con cáncer quienes debido a las quimioterapias, presentan alteraciones en el sabor original de la comida, para ellos la “baya milagrosa” actúa devolviendo el sabor auténtico de los alimentos...es_ES
dc.format.extent43 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016es_ES
dc.subjectPLANTA FRUTALes_ES
dc.titlePlan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la elaboración y comercialización de tabletas con base en synsepalum dulcificumes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Comercial

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