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dc.contributor.advisorJátiva Baquero, Edison Fernando-
dc.creatorPuga Araujo, Jaime Esteban-
dc.identifier.citationPuga Araujo, J. E. (2018). Plan de negocio para la creación de una escuela de baloncesto en el sector de el Quinche (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThis proyect looks up to determinate the hability to create a basketball school at the El Quinche. First the proyect began with an analysis of the industry to know the opportunities or threats that might be taken in the education industry. Therefore, to know who could be a potencial client and which are their needs, a quantitative and qualitative análisis market was made (polls, surveys, and focus group). The out come was a business opportunity because a great numer of parents are interested in the proyect and would like their children to be part of, as long as the characteristics of the service are real, in order to satisfy their needs, in fact the sport in this parochial is growing fast. Hence, the marketing plan is made to determine the general strategy, which will be focused because the school is foward on a special group, that is the way the target was found; the value proposal and the respective marketing mix was developed. On the other hand, the mission, vision and objectives of the school were established, and the organizational structure of the company, with its respective functions, was created to know the operation of the school through the representation of flow-gram and value chain. Finally, it is important to perform the financial analysis to determine the income, costs, projected expenses and the initial investment to prepare the respective income statement, balance sheet and cash flow of the project, in order to find the viability of the project through the use of VAN, TIR and recovery period.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente proyecto busca determinar la viabilidad de crear una escuela de baloncesto en el sector de El Quinche...es_ES
dc.format.extent83 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018es_ES
dc.titlePlan de negocio para la creación de una escuela de baloncesto en el sector de el Quinchees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios y Marketing Deportivo

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