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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Análisis del comportamiento de la curva inmunológica frente a la aplicación de un protocolo de vacunación de DISTEMPER en una camada de 7 cachorros en el cantón Quito
Autor : Orellana Sáenz, Yadira Carolina
Tutor : Angulo Cruz, Olga Alexandra
Fecha de publicación : 2018
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2018
Citación : Orellana Sáenz, Y. C. (2018). Análisis del comportamiento de la curva inmunológica frente a la aplicación de un protocolo de vacunación de DISTEMPER en una camada de 7 cachorros en el cantón Quito (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : En la actualidad existen pocos datos específicos acerca de la cantidad de vacunas contra distemper canino que se debe aplicar a un animal para asegurar una inmunidad protectora, y la edad exacta en la que se debe vacunar, por ello se producen fallos vacunales los cuales pueden ser generados por dos factores; por la diversidad de protocolos existentes en los cuales varia la edad de aplicación de vacunas y por la cantidad de dosis vacunales...
Descripción : Currently there are few specific data about the amount of vaccines against canine distemper that should be applied to an animal to ensure protective immunity, and the exact age at which it should be vaccinated, therefore vaccinal failures occur which can be generated by two factors; due to the diversity of existing protocols in which the age of vaccination varies and the number of vaccine doses. The objective of this study was; evaluate the post-vaccination immunological curve by serological tests and analyze the behavior of the same. For this, a litter of 7 puppies was used, blood samples were taken after 21 days of the application of each of the 3 distemper vaccines, the samples were sent to the laboratory for indirect ELISA, tabulated and the data obtained, for this the ANOVA statistical test of repeated measures was used and finally a linear regression was carried out. When evaluating and analyzing the results obtained, it was observed that both IgM and IgG increased or decreased according to what was established in the literature, that is, their behavior was as expected With the analysis, it was concluded that 4 doses of vaccines are necessary to ensure an immunization, since at the third vaccine all had a high immunological response, however 3 individuals do not reach the title considered as a protector which was taken from investigations carried out and belongs to the value of IFA in which it must be greater than or equal to 1:98, which corresponds in this case according to the results of ELISA sent by the laboratory to a title greater than 0,485 to 0,968.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/9862
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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