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dc.contributor.advisorLarrea Cabrera, Susana Janneth-
dc.creatorOchoa Toscano, Xavier Anibal-
dc.identifier.citationOchoa Toscano, X. A. (2017). Prevalencia y prevención de caries dental en niños/as del tercero y séptimo año del Colegio Bernardo Valdivieso de la ciudad de Loja durante el periodo Octubre 2016-Marzo 2017 (Tesis de maestría). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe objective of this study is to be able to determine the prevalence of caries present in the third and seventh students of basic education of the Bernardo Valdivieso School, in turn achieving a certain degree of awareness about oral care and hygiene, Reality of good or bad dental care of the student population. The present investigation It has been made in the Bernardo Valdivieso School of the City of Loja, with a study population of one hundred twenty students of the third and seventh of basic during October 2016 to March 2017. The method of study is of observational character by means of an analysis and dental medical checkup with the use of an odontogram in which the number of caries observed in each child will be register. In addition, educational talks about caries prevention and tooth care will be given. With the results obtained, it was observed that the students in the third grade had a higher number of dental caries (seventy percent) with an average of four caries per student, compared to the seventh grade students with a (thirty percent) presence of caries, with an average of three caries for each one. As conclusions about of the oral care surveys, it is observed that the third graders of basic age range of six - seven year old; they do not know the subject of dental care and daily cleaning of teeth. Students in the seventh grade of the eleven – twelve age groups have a greater knowledge about oral health and daily cleaning, but there are few visits to the dentist for a general preventive checkup.en
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo de este estudio es poder determinar la prevalencia de caries presentes en los alumnos del tercero y séptimo de educación básica del Colegio Bernardo Valdivieso, a su vez lograr un cierto grado de conciencia sobre el cuidado y la higiene bucal, también el poder conocer la realidad del buen o mal cuidado dental de la población estudiantil. La presente investigación, se realizó en el Colegio Bernardo Valdivieso de la Ciudad de Loja, con una población de estudio de 120 alumnos del tercero y séptimo de básica durante octubre 2016 , marzo 2017...es_ES
dc.format.extent50 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2017es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.subjectSALUD BUCALes_ES
dc.subjectHIGIENE BUCALes_ES
dc.titlePrevalencia y prevención de caries dental en niños/as del tercero y séptimo año del colegio Bernardo Valdivieso de la ciudad de Loja durante el periodo Octubre 2016 – Marzo 2017es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Administración de Instituciones de Salud

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