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dc.contributor.advisorGarcía Guillem, Daniela Cristina-
dc.creatorLazo Remache, Carlos Fernando-
dc.identifier.citationLazo Remache, C. F. (2016). Plan de mejora de infraestructura deportiva para el Colegio Johannes Kepler-Fundación Kiddy House (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe following paper will look at the design and implementation process of a “Plan of improvement of the sports infrastructure for the Johannes Kepler High School- Kiddy House Foundation”, which will have as a main objective the reduction of excessive costs from the rent of external sports infrastructure and, thus, the generation of additional income by possessing their own first level infrastructure. As a result of the mentioned objectives, the educational community, as an organization, will be able to meet the global goal of attracting new students. In order to fulfill the project correctly, all the external factors that might affect the feasibility of the plan will be analyzed, as well as a comprehensive study of the teaching industry in the country. A detailed internal analysis will then be presented, which will address all the areas that are part of the school as a whole. Subsequently, crossing different internal and external variables, the study will determine the key factors that will show that effectively what is needed in order to improve in all respects is the implementation of a soccer field with regulatory dimensions (90m x 45m), made of synthetic grass, with lighting and a tribune for 500 spectators. Finally, to verify the viability of the project approach, financial statements for 5 years will be projected, which will prove with real data that this project will not only reduce unnecessary expenses, but will also produce interesting earnings for the organization.en
dc.description.abstractEn el presente trabajo de titulación se contemplará el diseño y proceso de implementación de un “Plan de mejora de la infraestructura deportiva para el Colegio Johannes Kepler-Fundación “KiddyHouse” que tendrá como objetivo general la disminución de gastos excesivos de alquiler de infraestructura deportiva ajena y por ende la generación de ingresos adicionales al poseer una infraestructura propia de primer nivel...es_ES
dc.format.extent53 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2016es_ES
dc.titlePlan de mejora de infraestructura deportiva para el Colegio Johannes Kepler-Fundación Kiddy Housees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Negocios y Marketing Deportivo

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