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dc.contributor.advisorAlbuja Sánchez, Diego Fernando-
dc.creatorCóndor Vaca, Alejandra Soledad-
dc.identifier.citationCóndor Vaca, A. S. (2008). Diseño de un túnel de aire para realizar experimentos sobre aire acondicionado de uso doméstico e industrial (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionIn the present Titration Work, the need for engineering professionals in general, and in particular those who will graduate from the University of the Americas, is made aware of the importance of the rational use of energy, within the processes productive industrial, services and commercial. Therefore, the need for pre-graduate students to perform laboratory analysis of the phenomena of cooling, heating, humidification and dehumidification, are those that can probably be involved in their professional life, through a team that allows to carry out studies with atmospheric air. An analysis of the theoretical framework that sustains the ventilation, refrigeration and air conditioning systems used in many fields of engineering work is then carried out. Then the calculation and design of the components is carried out, analyzing the possible materials to be used, the systems with which the necessary cooling and heating can be provided. It ends with the development of detail and construction plans. Finally, the first step is the execution of at least two laboratory practices to meet the objective of the team proposed here.en
dc.description.abstractEn el presente Trabajo de Titulación, se resalta la necesidad de que los profesionales de la ingeniería en general, y en particular los que egresarán de la Universidad de las Américas, tomen conciencia de la importancia del uso racional de la energía, dentro de los procesos productivos industriales, de servicios y comerciales…es_ES
dc.format.extent129 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2008es_ES
dc.subjectTÚNEL DE AIREes_ES
dc.subjectUSO DOMÉSTICOes_ES
dc.titleDiseño de un túnel de aire para realizar experimentos sobre aire acondicionado de uso doméstico e industriales_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Producción Industrial

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