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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : El ingreso de extranjeros al Ecuador y sus efectos económicos y sociales
Autor : Castillo Armijos, Juan Pablo
Tutor : Suquilanda Valdivieso, Alfredo Eduardo
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2011
Citación : Castillo Armijos, J. P. (2011). El ingreso de extranjeros al Ecuador y sus efectos económicos y sociales. (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : En los últimos años, circunstancias políticas en la que nuestro país se ha visto inmerso, ha provocado el ingreso multitudinario de extranjeros al país, especialmente aquellos nacionales que sus países son parte de la comunidad andina sin ningún tipo de restricciones ni control por parte de las autoridades competentes…
Descripción : In recent years, political circumstances in which our country has been embedded, has led to massive entry of foreigners into the country, nationalespecially those that their countries are part of the Andean community, without any restriction or control by competent authorities. Have to make an exhaustive analysis of the rules and laws that govern apparently trafficking at the border. Establishing the social impact negative or positive is a duty as a citizen and legal practitioner, as they directly or indirectly affect all aspects of a social conglomerate. Ecuador as a dollarized country, tempting economic advantages for citizens of different republics of the region, especially Cubans and Colombians who forreasons of internal conflicts in their countries or the global economic plight have decided to migrate to our country. The income of those has been a metamorphosis in our social guidelines. It is essential then to study the above cases to establish solutions to the problems that these days we find ourselves. Beyond the advantage or disadvantage that causes migration to our country, is dominant in the first course to take the virtues that foreigners can bring in the second to take the necessary measures to prevent the beneficial effects may come from abroad.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/288
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