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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Reciclaje formal y material diseño y producción de mobiliario de uso comercial, de alto valor agregado, fabricado a partir de materiales alternativos
Autor : Coral Mantilla, Juver Esteban
Tutor : Troya Gonzalez, Galo
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2010
Citación : Coral Mantilla, J. E. (2010). Reciclaje formal y material diseño y producción de mobiliario de uso comercial, de alto valor agregado, fabricado a partir de materiales alternativos (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente trabajo consiste en el diseño y la producción de mobiliario de alto valor agregado, fabricado a partir de papel reciclado y otros materiales renovables y amigables con el medio ambiente…
Descripción : The document hereof is about the design and the production of upscale high valued furniture, made from recycled paper and other renewable and earth friendly materials. This propose arises from the scene of extreme damage that the natural environment of our planet is suffering because of the exploitation of the rain forest and the lack of social conscience about the importance of recycling, which is a local problem. The main objective is to design and produce a brand new line of eco-furniture, created of recycled paper, but always caring about the esthetic and the function. So for this was made a historical outline about furniture and landscape design; an analysis was made on the influence of stiles in Ecuador, amongst with it, there were made designers, architects, and furniture sales managers interviews. The client was located and the surroundings were studied (Hostería Rincón de Puembo). There were also placed basics about sustainable design as a requirement to make this project, and there was developed a graphic identity of the product and the brand. As a conclusion it is emphasize, on first place, the urgent need to contribute with eco designs, because in Ecuador there is not a norm to manufacture them, and in second place, there is not a historical heritage that identifies our country, nor in the graphic design, nor in the furniture design.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/1957
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico e Industrial

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