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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Pacientes cardiópatas tratados con anticoagulantes orales sometidos a procesos odontológicos en la CAO
Autor : Alvarado Cabrera, Jorge David
Tutor : Argote Echeverría, Sonia Alexandra
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2020
Citación : Alvarado, J. (2020). Pacientes cardiópatas tratados con anticoagulantes orales sometidos a procesos odontológicos en la CAO (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El objetivo de la presente investigación es elaborar un protocolo para la atención de pacientes cardiópatas tratados con anticoagulantes orales que asisten a la Clínica de Atención Odontológica CAO de la UDLA, con la finalidad de facilitar las decisiones clínicas del docente y el estudiante para llevar a cabo tratamientos eficaces y que procuren mantener una hemodinamia óptima en los pacientes anticoagulados...
Descripción : OBJECTIVES: the objective of this research is to develop a protocol for the care of cardiac patients treated with oral anticoagulants who attend the UDLA Dental Care Clinic (CAO), in order to facilitate the clinical decisions of the teacher and the student to carry out effective treatments that seek to maintain optimal hemodynamics in anticoagulated patients. In this manner, the dental treatments that can and cannot be performed will be determined, maintaining anticoagulant therapy without medical referral. In addition, the laboratory tests that will be requested, are going to be established with their respective values that allows the continuity of the treatments, and also the appropriate pharmacological therapeutic behavior. MATERIALS AND METHODS: scientific articles on the dental management of cardiac patients under oral anticoagulant treatment, indexed in the Scopus database whose ranking is registered in the SCImago Journal & Country Rank, and the research of Ojeda, M. will be used to prepare the protocol, "Management of oral anticoagulants in cardiac patients undergoing dental processes in the period 2018 -1 and 2018 -2" prepared at the CAO. As part of the protocol validation process, its sketch is going to be presented to the area chiefs of oral surgery, endodontics, internal medicine, and periodontics and implantology at the faculty for their evaluation and approval. RESULTS: a protocol was established that guides appropriate dental behavior specifying the circumstances that require medical consultation prior to dental care, besides to perioperative and postoperative management, which details the use of hemostatic measures, the control and adequate prescription of drugs, considering anticoagulant therapy, among other aspects. CONCLUSIONS: dental treatments with low risk of bleeding do not require a medical referral for their execution. If the patient takes AVK, it will be continued as long as the INR is in its therapeutic range2 - 3.5, and if any drugs have been prescribed, it is necessary to maintain INR controls for the first 2 to 4 days with the treating physician. Regarding direct oral anticoagulants, the pharmacological prescription presents minimal restrictions and the evaluation of the treatment does not require control tests.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/12845
Aparece en las colecciones: Odontología

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