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dc.contributor.advisorCárdenas Aguilera, Cristian Fernando-
dc.creatorAulestia Chicaiza, Marco David-
dc.identifier.citationAulestia Chicaiza, M. D. (2019). Identificación y monitoreo de parásitos gastrointestinales mediante técnicas diagnósticas coprológicas en ganado de lidia (Bos Primigenius Taurus), en diferentes sistemas de pastoreo en el cantón Mejía (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe aim of this work was to recognize the type and parasitic load of fighting cattle in two farms with different grazing systems; each one had 24 animals selected according to certain inclusion and exclusion criterias, of a total of 116 individuals. The study lasted 14 days, in which three coprological samples were taken at day 0, 7 and 14; later the samples were taken to the laboratory "VeteLab", where the flotation method of Willis and Mc Master was performed, then the results were tabulated and analyzed in the "SPSS" program with the use of two statistical tests, Mann U - Withney and Kruskal Wallis to determine the significant difference between the variables. It was determined that the presentation as well as the parasitic load in general remained stable during the days of study being Ostertagia spp. the genus with the highest presence (47.9 percent) in both farms, followed by Trichostrongylus spp. in the Urkusumak farm (54.2 percent), unlike El Refugio farm (25 percent), while Trichuris spp. It presented greater intensity in El Refugio (58.3 percent) and in Urkusumak only 16.6 percent; on the other hand, Strongyloides papillosus was presented in 18.7 percent of animals of both farms and Haemonchus contortus only appeared in an animal in the Urkusumak farm, in general all parasites had low levels of infestation in all animales; regarding the evaluation of the p values, Trichostrongylus spp. had a significant difference between the parasitic load and the categorical age with a p value of 0.01 in the Urkusumak farm, while Strongyloides papillosus had a significant difference with a p value of 0, 02 at the El Refugio farm. These data allowed to demonstrate that in general the grazing system did not influence the qualitative and quantitative presentation of the parasites in a time given.en
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo tuvo por objetivo reconocer el tipo y la carga parasitaria del ganado de lidia en dos predios con diferente sistema de manejo; cada uno contó con 24 animales seleccionados de acuerdo a ciertos criterios de inclusión y exclusión, de un total de 116 individuos...es_ES
dc.format.extent91 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019es_ES
dc.titleIdentificación y monitoreo de parásitos gastrointestinales mediante técnicas diagnósticas coprológicas en ganado de lidia (Bos Primigenius Taurus), en diferentes sistemas de pastoreo en el cantón Mejíaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

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