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dc.contributor.advisorSimbaña Criollo, Lilia Pilar-
dc.creatorCaza Collaguazo, Katherine Betsabe-
dc.identifier.citationCaza Collaguazo , K. B. (2019). Factores asociados con el incumplimiento de la cobertura de vacunas en niños menores de 5 años del Centro de Salud Vicentina, del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito 17D04, en el periodo de marzo- junio del 2019 (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe National Immunization Strategy Program is part of one of the Service Provision Components of the Comprehensive Community and Intercultural Family Health Care Model which is based on complying with the ideal vaccination coverage. The objective: of this degree work was to determine the factors associated with non-compliance with vaccine coverage in children under 5 years of age in the Vicentine Health Center Metropolitan District of Quito 17D04. Materials and methodology: qualitative-descriptive and retrospective, was carried out an interview through a survey of 11 closed questions. Results: According to the investigation we can determine that the most relevant factors for non-compliance with the vaccine coverage of the Vincentian Health Center are: poor care and lack of information by nursing staff with 40 percent, which because parents do not attend to vaccinate their children, so they are more likely to get immune-preventable diseases putting the health of the infant at risk. Likewise, it was identified that the nursing staff does not provide quality care since one of the fundamental roles of the nurse is to be an educator and encourage prevention and health promotion. According to comparisons between articles and the present project, Zafra (2015) mentions that the low quality of health care is a great obstacle so that vaccine coverage cannot be achieved, in its survey applied to nurses, there is evidence (39.1 percent), reliability towards them, (46.5 percent) responsiveness, (31.4 percent) security, (28.8 percent) empathy and (30.6 percent) good treatment. Reality different from the present investigation since it could be determined that the poor attention by the staff is a factor for not attending the administration of vaccines; this indicates that the staff does not provide good care. Conclusion: a continuous improvement plan is proposed which is aimed at nurses, through training to improve the nurse-patient relationship, a six-month follow-up will be carried out through a user satisfaction survey to determine the increase in vaccine coverage.en
dc.description.abstractEl Programa de Estrategia Nacional de Inmunización es parte de uno de los Componentes de Provisión de Servicios del Modelo de Atención Integral de Salud Familiar Comunitario e Intercultural el cual tiene como referencia cumplir con la cobertura de vacunación ideal…es_ES
dc.format.extent78 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019es_ES
dc.titleFactores asociados con el incumplimiento de la cobertura de vacunas en niños menores de 5 años del Centro de Salud Vicentina, del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito 17D04, en el periodo de marzo- junio del 2019es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Enfermería

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