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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Plan de negocios para la producción y comercialización de carteras plásticas de material reciclado en la ciudad de Esmeraldas
Autor : Marrasquín Bermeo, Karol Daniela
Tutor : Unapanta Ruiz, Juan Wagner
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019
Citación : Marrasquín Bermeo, K. D. (2019). Plan de negocios para la producción y comercialización de carteras plásticas de material reciclado en la ciudad de Esmeraldas (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
Resumen : El presente plan de negocios tiene como objetivo la creación de una empresa que se dedique a la producción y comercialización de carteras plásticas con material reciclado en la ciudad de Esmeraldas...
Descripción : The objective of this business plan is the creation of a company dedicated to the production and commercialization of plastic bags with recycled materials in the city of Esmeraldas. The fabrication of the accessory will use a distinctive “green trend” approach because the market is currently asking for more products which can help reduce the pollution in the environment. Plus, the unique bags will want to generate a distinction amongst the women who acquire product. Initially, a global study of the external sector for the textile industry was carried out, through the analysis of PESTEL and PORTER; and in this way to be able to optimize the opportunities found and solves the threats. Within the analysis of the client, it was possible to determine the need that women between 20 and 55 years old needed to find products with a ´green tendency´ in the market, which are in accordance with the currently proposed fashion. According to the requirements found, it was decided to produce the article in two sizes (medium-large), as well as in two colors (yellow-black), with a price of 32 dollars and 40 dollars respectively, being an affordable value for the potential market. The distribution of the product will be made directly in a physical store in the center of the city of Esmeraldas. An alternative channel is to make deliveries through the DANIS website. In this way, the portfolios will gain more publicity and then achieve expansion at the Costa Region level. Finally, the organizational structure of the company was determined and through the financial analysis, it was possible to evaluate the profitability of the project by having a return on investment of 25.80%.
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/11479
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería Comercial

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