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Tipo de material : bachelorThesis
Título : Guía técnica para la reducción de la humedad y eliminación de bacterias en mamposterías de construcciones informales del sector La Bota por medio de sal marina
Autor : Maldonado Suárez, Francisco Xavier
Tutor : Bravo Valencia, Humberto Napoleón
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Quito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019
Citación : Maldonado Suárez, F. X. (2019). Guía técnica para la reducción de la humedad y eliminación de bacterias en mamposterías de construcciones informales del sector La Bota por medio de sal marina (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito
Resumen : El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Norte de la Ciudad de quito, en el Sector la Bota, donde se analizaron los resultados, que arrojó el estudio sobre la eliminación de humedad y bacterias, utilizando un deshumidificador casero por medio de bolsas, que contenía en su interior un compuesto higroscópico como la sal marina (Cloruro sódico en 86 por ciento).
Descripción : The present work was carried out in the North of the City of Quito, in the Sector La Bota, where the results were analyzed, which showed the study on the elimination of humidity and bacteria, using a homemade dehumidifier by means of bags, which Inside it contained a hygroscopic compound such as sea salt (Sodium Chloride in 86%). The work is based on a construction guide, for the elimination of humidity and bacteria in closed spaces of informal housing, which was used 2 methods, the first where the subject was investigated in general and mainly about humidity and periodic visits to the affected house where its humidity and bacteria status was checked on its walls, the second was the obtaining of materials that were used in the study as salt in grain, the homemade dehumidifier and the humidity meter. In reference to the bibliographic research and practical studies for this technique, which was used for the elimination of humidity and bacteria, a theoretical framework was elaborated that contains the different masonry in homes, the types of humidity that are generated at home and of useful materials that was used in the course of this study. In addition, the results obtained through the reduction process by means of sea salt and its subsequent analysis. The images shown are mainly of the affected house in its masonry and of the materials that were used. Some tables support the information provided by the INAMHI, which delivered results concerning the relative humidity and general temperature of the city of Quito and therefore the La Bota sector, this information is also supported by the annexes. Completing this study, a guide is developed, which aims to eliminate humidity by means of a homemade method, and it was estimated that the cost for this is USD $ 21
URI : http://dspace.udla.edu.ec/handle/33000/10905
Aparece en las colecciones: Tecnología en Construcción y Domótica

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