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dc.contributor.advisorYerovi López, Diego Javier-
dc.creatorAyala Rivadeneira, Nathalie Valeria-
dc.identifier.citationAyala Rivadeneira, N. V. (2019). Centro de investigación de física aplicada barrio Mariscal Sucre (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe 10 de Agosto Avenue is one of the main hubs of connection in Quito city, in its 8km has a variety of uses, a lot of public and private transportation that over time are becoming a problem for the city. In the urban planning carried out by Taller de Proyectos VII of the University of the Americas, 4 main directives were analyzed: mobility, equipment, patrimony and public space, with which the existing problems were determined and potential of the sector. POU is proposal is to generate in 10 de Agosto Avenue a large green axis with their respective centralities in the most contentious points of the sector, besides an integrated quality network of parks and squares connected with each other, also with equipment of various types that can serve the community and meet their needs. Among the proposed equipment to dynamize the sector and attract new types of users, is the one presented in the following degree work, which is located in the Barrio La Colón; Urban part D, (subdivision proposed by the POU) delimited by Avenida 10 de Agosto, Avenida Cristóbal Colón and Calle Javier Ascázubi. The qualification work that follow´s presented is Investigation Center of Physics, focused for young people and adults who have new ideas for the science and the development of the country with a different vision of work and application of knowledge. The project is based on different theories of pedagogical knowledge, urban-architectural theories, fulfilling the guidelines established by the POU, and the Metropolitan district of Quito. For the development of the project were taken into account 3 phases of study: analytical, descriptive and propositive and thus obtain a general knowledge of the project to be carried out, complementing the study were analyzed 3 dimensions that respond to the analysis of Site: Morphological, functional and user; This is how reached a coherent and correct implantation of the equipment designing quality spaces and volumetries with specific functionality, as well as places of stay and green areas that complement the proposed development for the city.en
dc.description.abstractLa Av. 10 de Agosto es uno de los principales ejes de conexión en la ciudad de Quito, en sus 8km de recorrido alberga una diversidad de usos, una gran cantidad de transporte público y privado que con el pasar del tiempo se están convirtiendo en un problema para la ciudad...es_ES
dc.format.extent118 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleCentro de investigación de física aplicada barrio Mariscal Sucrees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Arquitectura

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