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dc.contributor.advisorMontalvo Zamora, Natalia Alexandra-
dc.creatorFélix Romero, Anthony Fernando-
dc.identifier.citationFélix Romero, A. F. (2019). Optimización del manejo de archivos en una clínica odontológica empleando herramientas de gestión por procesos (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.es_ES
dc.descriptionThe aim of this degree work is to provide an improvement proposal for the management of the undergraduate archive of the dental clinic of an educational institution through the application of the work study and process management. The undergraduate dental clinic of the educational institution on which the present titling work is carried out is in the city of Quito and its main objective is to provide to the community good quality dental health services, at reduced costs and to achieve the patient satisfaction. However, as a dental clinic for students is an avant-garde idea, the need arises not only to provide a good quality dental service, but also to be efficient in its internal processes, being the most critical the processes that are generated within the file of clinical histories. Within this house of health there are three files of clinical histories, however, for the development of the present degree work only the most active and critical file was considered, the undergraduate students file. In which the greatest number of nonconformities are generated for the students, the administrative personnel and for the personnel of the archive. In order to meet the objectives, different methodologies were developed such as: process surveying, process simulation, study of times and movements. Likewise, the respective coefficient analysis of discounts, critical activities, cause-effect, waste and cost-benefit were carried out. Finally, an improvement proposal was made for the management of the undergraduate file of the dental clinic. The implementation of the improvement proposal that consists on the standardization of processes through the SOS sheet and the implementation of the 5s (eses), following the methodology of the continuous improvement cycle PHVA, the clinic archive can achieve a reduction of errors in the processes of at least 90 percent, minimize existing waste to 10 percent and eliminate critical activities by a 66.66 percent.en
dc.description.abstractEste trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo el dar una propuesta de mejora para la gestión del archivo de pregrado de la clínica odontológica de una institución educativa a través de la aplicación del estudio del trabajo y la gestión por procesos...es_ES
dc.format.extent148 p.es_ES
dc.publisherQuito: Universidad de las Américas, 2019es_ES
dc.titleOptimización del manejo de archivos en una clínica odontológica empleando herramientas de gestión por procesoses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ingeniería en Producción Industrial

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